
Runner Beans - Black fly - Hopping Mad !!!?

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My runner beans are covered in Blackfly. I have tried the soapy water method and garden centre bug sprays and still they keep coming. Please, please what else can I do ?




  1. Had the same problem, I hosed at close quarters

    all the areas to eliminate them, then a stronger soapy

    solution, lasted six days, did it again, now gone.

    Perhaps they stopped laying eggs?.

  2. One year I planted marigold in between beans i read some where this would stop them it really did work it might be to late for you this year but you could try a few plants and see what happens

  3. I had same problem last year,someone suggested tobacco or cigarette butts soaked in water for 24hours and then the water sprayed onto affected plants. Sounds strange but it did work.

  4. Plant french marigolds between the bean plants, it seems to drive them away.

  5. You got to spray them with pyrethrins or insecticidal soap at the first sign, and keep repeating it until its gone.  To prevent it you can pinch out the tops once four trusses of pods have formed so it shouldn't spread to other plants.

  6. see if you can get some ladybirds from other plants and put them on your bean plants.

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