
Runners/Joggers, when is the best time to run?

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Hey there, so I'm starting a new running program, that cool running one, couch potato to 5k. So I'm starting it monday, I was wondering, which is a better time to run morning or afternoon? I'm running on the treadmill btw.




  1. Run early in the morning before you eat. This will incinerate the extra fat you have in your system.

  2. Mornings are nicer especially if weather is better and you also dont have as much food in you, but it reall depends on your environment,,, mornings are ussually going to be the best though good luck!

  3. if you are inside it doesn't really matter.  I like to run in the morning because i feel good all day that way. Choose when you have time though.

  4. I like running in the morning, especially in the summer and early fall when in the afternoon it gets really hot. It also makes you feel better the rest of the day after your run. Tired, but good. Plus, if you wait to long you'll start telling yourself that you'll go run tomorrow or the next day and after a while, you'll never go running again. In the morning, you get it over with right away.

  5. I answered this same question earlier for someone else! I think morning is best, because you are fresh and it ensures that you actually get your run in. If you wait until later in the day, something inevitably comes up and sometimes you don't end up running. I never thought I would be a morning runner, but now that I have kids, it's the only time I can grab to run that is mine and mine alone (unfortunately that comes at 5:30am for me, but I'd rather do that than not run at all!) Good luck!

  6. the best time to run is the most comfortable time for you, if you are not a morning person you may want to hold off for a night run.

  7. I usually run in the morning but when i dont feel like waking up 9:00 is also good(and funner, just watch your footing).

  8. It's better to run in the morning when you don't have much in your stomache so you burn stored fat.

  9. Running in the morning is definitely the best for me and a lot of other people I know. Sometimes it is hard to get out of bed, but at least you get it out of the way sooner, and feel good for the rest of the day.

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