
Runners Knee?

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Ok I have started running - early days yet. I was initially using cross trainers on my feet then bought a generic pair of nikes. The problem I'm having is occasional twinges in my knees. The right knee I have experienced a few one off sharp pains and the left knee a few one off twinges to the right of the patella. Never during running usually while sitting down. What shall I do is it a shoe issue (no twinges with cross trainers) or simply a case of taking a few days off? Thanks in advance. Initially I was running cross country now it's road work. I run/walk 2 miles.




  1. try switching back to your old trainers and see if it goes away. It it is still present see a doctor.

  2. make sure you stretch your quads good and some leg extentions or light wieght squads would be good for ya

  3. Maybe try getting your running gait analysed you may be over/under pronating (spelling probably wrong) which would put pressure on your knee

  4. Generic leisure shoes or gym cross trainers are NOT appropriate for running.

    Get to a proper running shops (NOT JJB, or other high street sprots shop) and let the staff to a gait analysis.  This involves watching you run to determine a number of things such as whether you're a heel striker or midfoot runner, whether you're flat footed, or whether you pronate excessively.  Based on that assessment they will determine the right footwear for you.

    I would hazard a guess that you pronate quite a bit and your patella maltracks while you run.  If you heel strike the impact will be worse as you're more likely to overstride.

    There is a lot of technique to running.  Read up on it.  But get proper shoes before anything else.
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