
Runners diet?

by  |  earlier

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i have trouble keeping a good diet and just need some tips on helping control my eating habits. I need some foods that are big no no's and some foods that help a runner




  1. almonds

  2. protein! carbs! they are your best friend.

    every night be sure to eat some wholesome carbs. pasta is the best way to do that to give you a good burst of energy the next day. starting your day with a complex carb is also really helpful, something like toast or a bagel is the perfect runner breakfast.

    also make sure to get your fill of protein. get meat, tofu, beans, etc at any opportunity. have some nuts with breakfast. eat a ham sandwich for lunch. enjoy a nice piece of salmon for dinner.

    things to avoid are foods that cause lactic acid in your muscles, trans fats (which you should avoid anyway), fast foods, and too much of one thing. thats the simplest way to say it. the more power to your diet the better.

    do NOT have energy drinks. they dehydrate you more then they energize you...and you crash afterwards. avoid soda (youll loose weight if you drop soda cold turkey), and when working out make sure to have lots of water. drink gatorade only when working out, for if your exerting NOTHING its actually bad for you.

    from one runner to another, i hope this all helps :D

  3. carbs like pasta. they'll give you lots of energy.

  4. im vegan and that works for me xD

    bananaasss are good for before you run! they fill you up and like prevent cramps =]
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