
Runners or nutritionist/doctors???

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what are the most needed vitamins and nutrients for runners??

ex. like protein, calcium,vitamin c ...etc

-what will give me more energy during a long run (3-12 miles)

-what do i need to replenish??

-what does b vitamins do for the body??




  1. you need plenty of iron, potassium and magnesium, for blood flow and preventing cramps and shin-splints. just eating food will give you energy for a long run, like eat a peanut butter and jam sandwich an hour before running. same thing with replenishing just eat normally and you will be fine, drink water, one large glass with your food before running and another glass afterward. i'm not sure specifically what all the B vitamins do, but they are definitely as necessary as all other ones. if you aren't sure whether you are getting the right amount of nutrients take a multi-vitamin suppliment.

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