Hey everyone. Ok, I been doing some running, because for some odd reason, I just felt like doing it. I made it my goal to do 22 miles.
Now here is how I started.
Last Week:
Wed: 3 miles
Thurs: 5 Miles
Fri: 7 Miles
Sat: 9 Miles
Sun: Break
Mon: 11 Miles
Tues: Break
Wed: 15 Miles
And today, I want to do 20 miles. That means on Friday, I will complete my 22 miles run.
But, what is the harm of doing this? I was able to complete 15 miles yesterday, and I barely felt any pain *But today I am feeling it*
I really want to do this to prove to myself that its possible. 22 is just my favorite number, so I just chose that, but anyways, what am I risking?
I run with music and Gatorade. They seem to keep me going forever.