
Running, help to start??

by  |  earlier

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Hey, I need help. I am trying to lose weight and want to run for my cardio. I am overweight, so I can't run for very long. How can I get into a routine, and increase my endurance.

Is there a way I can do this??

PS: I can run 5.0 mph for about 3-4 minutes before having to slow down to walking at 4.0 mph.




  1. at school whenever they make us run for along time, in the beginning of the year i never make it but sorta in the end of the year it's easier for me.

    take a waterr bottle with you.

    run as much as you can, then stop and just speed walk. then start running when you feel like you can again. then stop and speed walk. drink lots of water too.

    the more you do it the more you'll improve.


  2. To get started run 3 to 5 days each week. Run easy, slow enough so you can talk. Run until you need to walk, then walk until you feel like winning again.

    Do this for 15 to 20 minutes.

    In a month you should be able to run for the entire distance.

    Then you can increase your distance and the number of days you run each week so you run 5 to 6 days each week.

    To lose weight you must control your calories. It takes 3500 calories to lose one pound. You must burn more than you consume.

    You will burn about 100 calories for each mile.

    If you save 100 calories per day you are losing 10 pounds in one year, pounds that should stay off if you change your lifestyle.

  3. if you are overweight, it probably isn't a good idea to start running cold turkey. start by exercising on an elliptical or a bike to increase your endurance. Once you start losing weight, you can start running. If you run while you are overweight, you will increase your risk of getting hurt.

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