
Running? Best gets 10 points?

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Okay... I'm really slow. My mile time is 9:00 minutes flat, although I'm faster than most of the other people I want to be faster for next school year. I have access to a treadmill for usually an hour a day. How long should I run on it and how often should I run on it to get faster? If I run everyday by the time school starts (september), how fast should my mile be? Please help, thank you.




  1. no, no, no, no!  you should NEVER run everyday.  right now you should just be doing base training.  2 long runs and 2 short runs a week.  maybe throw in a speedworkout, but always take a day off.  otherwise you will burn out- literally.  running puts strain on your body in so many ways.  if you really want to get faster here's my advice.  follow the 2 long 2 short workouts.  for one of each, make it a tempo run.  thats where you pick it up for a portion say a mile or maybe 3 minutes.  then work your way up.  that way your getting faster and stronger because you have to continue the run even after picking up the pace.

  2. Get a training schedule.

  3. your time by september would be around 7:00 minutes

  4. I wouldn't run everyday. After a good run, your leg muscles are usually sore and you don't want to overwork them and pull something. I leave for bootcamp in October and I knew I had to work on my run time.. so I've started out with running a mile atleast once a week... or jogging 20minutes two times a week. After running a mile once a week for two weeks. I moved up to a mile twice a week. I'm now on my 4th week.. so.. 6miles in the past month.. and I've shaved 2 minutes off my time. Basically you need to learn endurance to be able to push yourself harder and further. So, start with a mile a week and maybe even add some jogging in there every other day depends on how your muscles feel. Obviously if  you hurt something it's just going to be a major setback. GoodLuck.

  5. Ok, running miles is not all about speed, It is mostly about endurance. Run about 2/3 miles a day and keep your pace. Always challenge yourself to going faster, as you do go faster your body gets use to a new level of endurance. Also work on your leg muscles, that would help you alot.

    P.S. Tredmills are not going to help you, it feels better when you run outside on concrete

  6. 1st, try working on your 1/2 mile time ( 800m). shave seconeds off of that time, then work on your mile (1600m).

    or, you can do mile repeats, try to neqative split each mile.

    (meaninq set a time you wan to hit , then the next mile you run has to be a seconed or more faster). in no time you will break 8 min.

    you should go on runs every other day and work out in between. like 800m workouts. depending how old you are , if your 14 & or above , your mile should definitleybe under 6 min. [my mile time is 6.42 , i am 14 i am trying to break 6.40]

  7. go kiss my aunt putunia  

    i know im the best poster!!!

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