
Running Faster...?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a female that needs to be able to run a mile and a half in about 13 minutes. I'm currently at an altitude of about 6000ft, running the distance in about 16 minutes, and I need to know specific drills/exercises to shave off 3 minutes. How long should it take me to get down to 13 minutes?




  1. go faster and when you are going up those hills really use your legs move them faster not slower --- just think --- it will all be worth it when you are down to 13 min.!!

  2. Do Fartlek running.

    Sprint for 2 minutes, walk for 1 minute, Sprint for 2 minutes, walk for 1 minute.......etc..

    It has increase my time.  I ran a  5k early this spring and ran it in 26:56....I started fartleking(funny word) and my last 5k was 24:18.

    I'd say doing it 3-4 times a week and your time will down in a month and a half...

    Hope this helps.

  3. It should take 6 weeks to see an improvement. Warm-up for 20 minutes or more, run a quarter-mile in the time you can run a mile. Example, if you can run a mile in 4 minutes run your quarter-mile in 1 minutes walk.  Start with 4sets and increase by one every week. Do a tempo run of 20 minutes every week. It can be broken up into 4 or 5 minute sessions with easy jogging in-between. Cool down with 10 minutes of jogging and walking. Start each session with a  warm-up and make sure you are rested before you do these sessions.

  4. As others have said fartleks and intervals are great ways to increase speed as are runs at the pace you will need to run. These will work best if you have a good level of endurance so don't neglect the distance runs too.

    One other tip - if this run will be on a cross country or street course then make sure you cut the distance down tot he minimum. Cut curners as tight as you can. Over 2.5km this can add up to quite a few seconds saved.
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