
Running: Getting back to last year's race pr?

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Last year i got 23:40 for our school's cross country course. Our course is very hard.

This summer i have already started running for six weeks and i cannot still get a 23:40. My first time trial 5 weeks ago i got a 25:22. The next week i have another trial which i got a 24:45. I than i took vacation where i ran twice that week. the week i came back i did another trial and i got a 27:22. This week i got a 26:28. I am not anywhere near my pr last year and i feel like i am doing even worse every week. How long til i get back near pr form. My coach also says it is that because i took a vacation i got bad. He says that for every 3 days of consective no running you lose a whole week of training. Is there any evidence in that? How fast do you think i will get to my pr?




  1. Don't give up on yourself ever during the race, for starters. Your time will drop in a real race w/ competition and stuff. Everyone runs slower in time trails. It can take some people to mid season to get to their PR, be patient.

  2. At least a few months i reckon

  3. were you peaking when you ran the course? that makes a big differance. my coach always said that 1 month w/o running you will lose all training so be careful. dont worry to much about it though, i think youll get it! good luck!

  4. i think your vacation counted for some... 1 day of no running equals 3 days of no training..

    you should just continue training.. it will take time to get back into shape and to improve. find ways to motivate yourself.

    get your mileage back up too

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