
Running?????????? Need help!!!!?

by Guest56340  |  earlier

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How far do you need to run before your body changes to an aerobic state???????




  1. That's a good question Melissa.  And I don't know the answer, but I would like to share some information with you.  Frankly, I don't know how you tell when you are aerobic, except that you can chat comfortably as you run.

    I recall that I would begin to sweat at about a half mile mark each time I ran.  I was told you begin to sweat when your body temp has increased 1 degree.

    It takes about 30 minutes of aerobic exercise before your body begins to burn fat, but I never experienced any noticable factor that let me know that has happened.

    Having written that, my own belief is that all these changes happen differently with  every person, with every run.  I think the factors involved in the "formula" of when this happens depends on your weight, how long ago you ate, what you ate, how hydrated you are, how fast you start running, the temperature, time of day, how you feel, and on and on.

    Thanks for letting me add this.

  2. That depends on the speed you are running.

    We are in an aerobic state unless  we use enough energy rapidly to move into an anaerobic state, which takes about 40 seconds of very fast sprinting.

    An aerobic state exists when your body can exchange oxygen and expel carbon dioxide and the other by products of energy use without going into oxygen debt.

    Sitting in a chair you are in an aerobic state.

  3. They say its around 2 minutes .

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