
Running Stairs/Building muscle in legs

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In preparation for Marine OCS in October, I'm trying to bulk up on the muscle mass in my legs. Will running stairs help me achieve my objective?





  1. Running is one good idea in strengthening your legs. But if you want to have better result, what you should do is go to the gym. Do some squat, leg raise and also plyometrics. These could help you build stronger legs.  

  2. Running stairs will increase the muscle in your quadriceps(upper thighs) provided you time your protein intake correctly. Breaking down muscle or tearing muscle then repairing it with proteins is what builds it up. There are various ways to bulk up your legs but if I were you I would work on cardio and upper body; your lats, pecs and biceps. You, most often if you prepare your protein intake for upper body and do lots of cardiovascular activity along with it your legs bulk.

    BTW weighted squats are the best for full leg build up. Full extension to the tips of your toes.

  3. I prefer squats for increased muscle mass in my legs but everybody's different.  Good luck!

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