
Running a business from a council estate.?

by Guest44604  |  earlier

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Is this leagle?. A neighbour who has bought his council house, built a large brick garage, (which he has permission for, i think), but runs a vehicle repair garage using noisy machinery in the procces. This buisness is in the middle of a council estate in East Ayrshire Scotland. Is it not ileagle to run a buisness from a council or ex council house in Scotland?, he also complains about my dogs barking if any of his customers come to his buisness.




  1. Approach the council on any/all the environment concerns that you have. Look at the link below and start by raising the issue you have with noise.

    After the council have gone through all your environmental concerns, the council might find some absent paperwork.

  2. It's a shame you have so much time to worry about him trying to earn a living!!!!!

  3. It makes no difference whether its a council or ex-council house or private estate.  Everyone needs planning permission to run a business from a residential property.  Contact your local planning dept at the council for advice.  They will investigate him if he has no permission.

  4. it wouldn't be ilegal to run a buisiness from the house but there might be laws against which kind of buisiness you can do from there,being suitable to the location and everything.

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