
Running a mile in P.E with an Ipod?

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What is the best way to do this so the iPod will not get in the way?

I don't have the armband and no pockets.

Wearing a jacket is not an option since it is 100 degrees + outside.

What can I do to make it easy to run with it?

What are good songs to listen to while running my mile?




  1. Just hold it with your hand, and focus on your running, go with some hip hop, house and electronic music also helps!

  2. buy the armband.

  3. hold it or put it in your bra lol umm put it in your shorts under the elastic and then put the head phones under your shirt and out by your head lol i know it sounds weird but trust me it works !!

    and good music to listen to is rocky, the song funkytown, 90's music always makes me run further!, run dmc (especially the song runs house ) also i dont know where your from but if your english then the songs from skins always gets me in the mood ( songs from fat segal and gossip on the skins cd )

  4. if it's over 100 degrees, you should not be running in the first place but, you could hole it in your hand.

  5. You can hold it in your hand or if you have an ipod shuffle you can clip it on yourself.

    No classical songs. I prefer songs that modivate me or the most recent song on the radio that really gets me "moving" so to speak.

  6. iPods are the devil. They ruin running.

  7. get a case with a clip on the back.


  8. wrap the wire around your arms multiple times, then squeeze the ipod in through the wraps of the wires. it is likely to loosen and come undone, but that's the best non-pocket/wristband way. or u can buy an x-tra long earphone wire so u can stick ipod in ur shoe & it can still reach 2 ur ears :-)

  9. idk, but it is so unfair that u r allowed 2 use it

  10. I always put my ipod in  my bra!

    Lol i know it sounds weird but it NEVER gets in the way.

    Music that I usually listen to to get me motivated is anything rock. AnD kanye west's stronger helps to! haha

    Good luck with your running! =)

  11. hmmm...

    it depends.

    are you allowed to have your ipod?

    if so, i would go out and buy an armband.

    if you are not allowed...stick the ipod in your pants or bra. your bra is probably the easiest way to hold it without it REALLY getting in the way.

    if you listen to upbeat songs....

    such as 4 minutes by madonna and other songs such as this one, this will make you feel like you have more energy. have fun and hope i helped(:

  12. put the ipod under the elastic in your pants and run the earphones through your shirt. it sounds weird but it works. and listen to really really fast songs.

  13. put it in your bra lol, no im just kidding...

    tuck it under your shorts (near waist) i dont think anything else can really help you out. some good songs...whatever you like, i dont know your style music :D good luck.

  14. run the cord under your shirt... I imagine it would look ridiculous, but at least you'll have music

  15. haha funny i hve tw2 run a mile in school tw2  

  16. Mmmm. Try using head phones the attach to your ears, like wrap around you know?

    YOu could get a case for your Ipod and usually they have something to attach to a belt or band on shorts.

    Hmmm. Anything that really gets you going (at least for me) like 4 minutes by Justin and Madonna, or We are the Champions by Queen. That works for me.

  17. Cantcha run without ur ipod, you porker. I run 6 miles a day without one, you can at least run, or roll a mile. Maybe if its a downhill course youll win, since your fatness would propel you downward at a faster rate.  

  18. wow, um it would be really hard to do that with no things that you listed. hmm lets see .......I cant think of ways to hide it than other in the winter hide in under your sweater but songs to listen to are motivational songs. sorry but hope i could help!

  19. i dont know how your gonna be able too carry it, but i listen to like hard rock songs that i like and it really helps. it gets my adrenaline going and i can lift more easily

  20. I have seen tons of people with the armband thing . . . I personally prefer to run with out the ipod. The tucking the ipod in your shorts soulds like the best idea but I'm kind of conserned about it staying in place. . .so to be safe i would just go out and buy the arm band thing.  

  21. f***y pack. you can also use a purse that u hang over your shoulder. but a f***y pack is good because you can but it in there and it wont bother you or make you hot.

  22. Tuck it in your waistband---that what i did--lol--pull it up through the inside of your shirt

    listen to something upbeat for sure--don't want to be runnin to slow songs!!---listen to something that will make the time do by fast and not make you want to slow down and stop!  

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