
Running a mile?

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ok well hay i have to run a mile for skool and i have a hard time breathing after running a lap any ideas about how to run a mile in a good time and still have breath or any ideas about how to get in shape for mile ? pleaze answer




  1. Keep running, you will eventually get into shape!

  2. work out before stay dehydrated

  3. During your mile test, just keep a pace that you are comfortable with.  Most people will go way too fast at the beginning and be tired after the first lap.  When I had to do one, I kept my comfortable pace during the first two laps, and then I picked up the pace because two laps sounded like nothing.  My adrenaline picked up and I finished first.

  4. use a bike

  5. Try to run one lap the first day, then walk teh rest

    then run one lap, jog half a lap, then walk the rest

    then run one lap, jog one lap, wlak the rest

    run 1.5, jog .5, walk

    run 1.5, jog 1, walk

    run 2, jog .5, walk

    run 2, jog 1, walk

    run 2.5 jog .5, walk

    run 2.5, jog 1, walk

    run 3, jog .5, walk

    run 3, jog 1, DONE

    run 3.5, jog .5 DONE

    run 4 DONE YAYY

  6. you could try breathing in your nose for 3 steps and breath out your mouth for 3 steps. or 4/4 ratio. just depends on works for you.

  7. every one else stole the run little by little, but for brething try to run with ur hand crossed behind your head it helps your breathing after u are doing running do the same

    remeber to stand up and do it, the inhaler is a good way to

    P.S. i can run the mile in 6:02 and i do the same stuff and i have a inhaler

  8. start out slow by walking/jogging. learn to pace your self. if u start fast your going to be tired.

  9. start running a mile on your own. Or not even a mile at first. Just run, maybe, a couple times around your block. As running becomes easier for you, begin to pick up the pace and increase the distance. Maybe for you, start out with a half mile first.

    When you run, it is always helpful to keep a steady pace. This will help you achieve a good time because if you speed and slow down, the running will seem more tiring. Have fun running!

  10. run more, thats how you get in shape

  11. well

    for the mile just run slowly

    but to improve

    run whenever u can

  12. all you can really do is train for it.

    just go jogging everyday, and gradually increase the time you run and you will do a lot better

  13. just get in shape by running smaller amounts a few times a week and building the amount u can run up... as for the breathing the only thing would be an inhaler

  14. Do basic cardio exercises, the breathing will come. I suggest doing laps around a track with sprints mixed into a jog. This way you work on keeping a pace most of the time, but speeding up when you feel you can.

  15. drink lots of water about twenty minutes before

    if the runs soon you won't really have time to train
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