
Running a mile.?

by  |  earlier

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does anyone have tips on how to run a mile faster?




  1. build endurance and speed by long runs (50 mins or so?)

    speed by running 200m 400m 800m race pace lots of times.

  2. run even or negative splits. have someone calling them out to you...and be careful you dont ruin your race by going out too fast for the first 200m

  3. Run!!!!!!!!

  4. You need to first make sure you have a solid foundation of longer mileage to build on.  Hopefully you're comfortably running at least twenty miles a week by now.  When your races get closer, make sure you do intervals.  Start doing 2 or 3 mile runs at about 85% of your race pace.  Give yourself about five minutes in between for rest and walking around.  After a couple of weeks of doing that twice a week, move onto 800's (two laps) and try for about eight reps.  Again, give yourself the proper rest.  Finally, towards the end of your season, do 400 reps of about 12-16.  This will help for your kick at the end.  The first couple will feel easy because you're used to the longer mileage, but trust me, you'll be working by the end.  Make sure you don't do any intervals on back to back days.  This can increase your chances for injuries.  Good luck!
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