
Running a sub 5 min mile?

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i am a highschool student and i currently have a pr of 5:01 which i ran in winter track

however, lately, i have been running around 5:02-5:07 (almost 3 months later)

i really want to break five this year, but no matter how many workouts or distance runs, i still am not improving

is there anything i can do to make my time faster




  1. maybe for the last 100-200 meters, go all out.

    Just don't care how tired you are.

    If you already do that, maybe get a good meal before?

    Eat carbs(pasta, spaghetti) at least 3 hours before you will run it

  2. you may need to take a break. if you have been doing workouts all winter, you probably peaked a long time ago. You won't be able to get any better until you take a 1-2 week break.

  3. I garuntee that you are more than capable of running under 5:00 for the mile. I was in your situation a while back myself. It's not a physical thing, though you might want to try changing the way you run your race (I found out that I seem to run better with even splits and kicking the last lap) but it's more of a mental obstacle that you need to overcome. Easiest way to do it is to sit on one of the other guys who you know is well under it, and have him pull you through the first 800m below 2:30, After this you will probably feel extremely tired but in order to break 5:00 you will just have to wake up your legs with about 600 meters to go. And try not to allow yourself to settle with 600m to go. Rather than that you should try to push the last 600. Your body can easily do a 75 (5 min pace) or faster for your last lap. Just try to make sure that your 3rd lap is up to par with your others. keeping with a much faster runner will mentally force you to think "As long as I keep with this kid, I'll break 5:00"

  4. Well it sounds like the problem might be the race. You just need to try to pace a bit better or  just push more.

    Once you break, you really don't go back. Once I got under 4 I've  not gone over in 2 years.\

    Good luck and I hope this helps.

  5. The best way to get better at running is to practice, practice, practice, but sometimes that isn't as easy as it sounds. The biggest part of improving your running is motivating yourself to get out there, as well has having the proper schedule and routine by knowing when to rest. Here are some tips to help you:

  6. Wow, it'll be so cool is you go down to 4:**.

  7. Watch your eating, focus on form, and keep running.  Your could also try lifting weights.  Keep up the good work.

  8. Well, that's d**n close. I'm 13, running a 5:12. You definetly should sprint all-out the last 200m, work on your start, and lean, because that, in all, will shave about 5 seconds off your time! (Hope I helped)!

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