
Running after eating???

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OK, I need to run a half marathon in a few weeks and I CANT run after eating- even like 2 hours after eating- I still feel sick when i run. The run doesnt start til like 11 so I have to eat something in the morning before I run... Any ideas anyone???




  1. A toasted bagel with a little peanut butter and a banana has always been my favorite and a favorite amongst my athletes. The peanut butter is a little heavy but you are doing a half marathon and although it is heavy it does give energy, that is why before I just said a little. If you don't like the sound of peanut butter you could just eat the bagel, a little jam isn't a bad idea. A bagel would be good to eat about 7:30 or 800. It takes a little longer to digest but the energy from it will last you longer than a piece of fruit will.

    If you don't want to sit down and eat like a plate of food but just nibble on something. Honey and raisins are great. They pack a whole punch of energy because of how much natural sugar they have in them. Oranges are light, they help hydrate because they are so juicy and they are packed with calcium.

    I hope this helps you out, good luck with the race :)

  2. i would eat fruit, they are light and give you energy.

    Also, eat light, seems obvious, but its important...if you do feel like you get sick, just have a banana or soemthing...if you need something else as you get closer to the run, eat raisons...they are super light...but they always give me energy before i go into a race and never make me feel sick.

    good luck with the half marathon!

  3. i like to core an apple, jam the middle with peanit butter and pack granola on the ends (it sticks to the peanut better). it is a good high protein snack. if you get sick, try to eat that around 8:30-9, since you get sick if you run within 2 hours. then try raisens, closer to the event. or maybe a couple gel packs (gu, hammer other). i eat 2-3 of those on my half runs. anyway, good luck have fun wear sunblock (and if your a dude - tape your nipples!)

  4. fruits are good bananas alot of people eat i tend not to eat before i run because i get cramps just eat portions or something small or you'll get very bad cramps most likely trust happen to me before not good because blood trying to go to muscles and heal them while running while bloods trying to digest food not a good thing i messed up my stomach for like 3 days running after a big meal threw up to never good eat something small and easy to digest

  5. Sure. Get up at 4AM and eat something and go back to sleep until 7 (8 is OK if you can sleep that long) and you should be good.

  6. I could never eat close to races. I would eat a decent sized breakfast 3-4 hours before I needed to start warming up. (My preferred race day breakfast was pancakes, but everyone has their own.) For an 11 am race, I would plan on waking up at 6:30am, sitting down to eat at 7 or 7:30, relax for a few hours, spend some time going over race plans in my head, visualize how it should go, and start warming up according to your normal routine.

    You should test this out before your long runs between now and then though to make sure the timing works for you.

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