I have been running only since January... well, lol, you could say I started out at a slow jog. I was 60 lbs overweight when I started. I've lost 35 lbs now, and I am able to run a 12 minute mile. I can usually run 5 miles on a run in an hour, with once a week running 6 miles. I also weight-train and cycle. But lately I have been feeling lethargic during the run. I can only remember a handful of times where I really felt very energized during a run and I want that every day! If not every time, at least most of the time! But I honestly just feel like I'm at a standstill and since I've felt lethargic, I don't have the will-power to step it up! I have a tendency to snack at night on cereal with honey and small amounts of chocolate, and I also add 1 tsp of sugar to my coffee in the morning. Could it be that I am causing a sugar-drop, leading to less energy on my run? Or am I just at a plateau and need to step it up? Any tips?