
Running/getting in shape help please!?

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hey so i was on varsity soccer freshman and sophomore year and have gotten in shape ilke by the end of the seasons but haven't really gone into the seasons in the best shape. my skills and playing kinda cancelled out the bad mile times i guess, but this year our coach is setting a time for a 300 yd shuttle run and you have ot make it or you can't play varsity. plus i gained a good amount of weight (20 lbs) that probably isnt helping that i would love to lose before school. i have been slacking off all summer and just started to run today (i have to be in shape by the first week of september) and ran 1 mile in 10 minutes then had to stop...i really really need to improve this and get in shape, does anyone have any tips? its hard for me to motivate myself especially with eating, i just say "ok diet starts tomorrow" or "summer workout starts tomorrow" how can i break this habit and get into shape?!




  1. i ran track this year and i was a sprinter and this is what  my coach said to do to make the sprinting times faster....

    you have to keep doing sprints. do like 12 25 meter sprints right in a row, without stopping to rest. then do like 7 100 meter sprints but give yourself a good 5 minutes in between them. as for long distance runs, you have to just keep at least like 2 miles a day. the fastest time in my whole track team was 6min 50 sec for girls and 5 min and 30 seconds for boys.[[seventh grade]] make sure you warm up before you run because i needed tto get a time trial in for the mile and he said dont warm up and it wasnt a very good time but then the next day he said i need another time trial but we had time to warm up and it was like 30 seconds faster, no joke! yeah so thats basically it!

  2. If you want to make varsity you need to make sure that you quit slacking and keep running 5 days a week, 6 as you get more in shape. You need to build up your endurance by gradually building up the distance that you run, and you also need to work on your speed. Ask your coach if he knows of any speedwork you can do, and you should practice that 300 yard shuttle run so when the time comes that you have to do it you'll be prepared. To motivate yourself, just keep telling yourself that all the hard work will pay off once you make varsity, && that if you don't start working hard now you won't make varsity, and you don't want to have any regrets. I have trouble motivating myself sometimes too [I run XC && track], but once i get off my butt and start getting into the run, I'm always glad that I did. So just start your diet and your workouts, and don't procrastinate. force yourself to do it, and you'll probably end up finding that you like it. [ : Also, try to find someone to run with, so you have more motivation. Or get someone to cheer you on, or something. Whatever works, right? When your name's called for varsity, you'll def. be glad. So just do it. [ :

  3. keep a eating/running logbook.  Any blank notebook will work.  write down all the things you eat during the day. also write down any time you run.  Stwp out the front door and run down the street and the first time do one acceleration, (a speed-up from one telephone pole to the next-or-mailbox-or-driveway).  write in your log: ran twenty minutes with one acceleration. the next time run two accelerations--then three etc. and once a week, run slow for the entire distance but run farther and farther each week.  Keep track of the long runs in the logbook either as mile if you can drive the course afterward and read the trip odometer or just by time spent running.

    BY running short distances fast, you'll improve your speed.

    BY running long distances slow, you'll improve your stamina.

    BY logging it you'll see your improvemensts over time.

  4. I understand how you feel. I like to run on the treadmill because I can control my speed and exactly know how fast I am running. I would suggest finding out what mph you would have to run to make the team and do some interval training. walk/jog...then bump it up to the mph needed to make the team for as long as possible...then back down to walk/jog and each time increase it by a little. You will see great results with running....a flatter tummy, more toned legs...and once you see this it will motivate you to eat healthier because you can lose ever more weight! (Thats what happened with me! Still working through it now.) And also for motivation to not stop on the treadmill I write myself kind of an angryish note haha like yelling at me to not stop. GOOD LUCK!!! I hope I make varsity Field Hockey!!

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