
Running help me!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i am 14 and i wonna be a an athlet runner onli problem i dunno how to get the perfect diet i'm a strickt vegetarian and i seem to eat lots of choccy (yummy) anyway i have been running 800m i ran it in 3.50mins when i was on junk food but when i have became healthy it changed to 4.20minutes. plez help me.




  1. 800 is maybe the hardest race distance. In order to run it fast, you need to train on both speed and endurance. Also, when in training, you need to eat meat / diary products to get protein. So, if you are not eat any meat, that could be the problem. Eating healthy will not improve your time, it will make you healthier, they are different target. Exercise will make you run fast and healthier, but changing in diet will not achieve both. Eat moderately (on meat and FAT, yes, fat as well) and train hard is the key.

  2. diet isnt your problem, You are really out of shape...get out there and run....mileage

  3. well becuase your a vegatarian your body isnt getting the same protein as non vegitarians and well find other foods that will give you protein and the time change is just your body getting use to the new diet the results will be worth it and it takes time it will not happen night just wait and stick to no junk food

  4. well i am a 400 and 200 runner and i run the 200 in .23 and 400 in .54  but my first 800 when i was 14 was 250 u should try running with weight on your ankles and on ur wrist and run uphill and do staggered starts and build not for the race you run build for the race above it instead of training for a 800 train for 1000 tht will increase your stamina and help you in a race
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