
Running help please answer?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, well for the past two years ive not been great at running the mile, averaging 8:30 in school, and not feeling so good after. I've been rowing on a machine and generally working out for about a year. For the last week, ive run about 15-20 minutes a day, averaging 1.5-2 miles. Now does someone else seem to have a problem running around a track, because running outside i can get a 7:30 mile even while running up hills in the mix. Assuming it's just me, if i continue running this much until november, is it safe to say i will run the mile with no problem?

Other info: I used to average about 3.5 miles a day on rower before running, now because of it about 2.




  1. It would definitely help to increase your mileage. Try building it up a mile every week (or whatever intervals work for you) and take necessary rest if you're feeling spent. If you have to choose between rowing and running (for improving your mile time), running should definitely be favored. I would skip the rower altogether. Another good idea is to find a friend who is at a similar status to yours and go on runs together. You'll find that time passes more quickly and you'll have motivation to push yourself harder.

    Good luck!

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