
Running mains water to a shed, via 20mm PVC pipe.?

by Guest66877  |  earlier

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Where do I enter the pipe, at the bottom of the shed, and run it up the inside of the shed, or run it up the outside of the shed, and enter it where I need it 900mm up? does it matter??




  1. It's really up to you. What's easier.

    Now becareful about running the pipe outside, if the temp gets below freezing you pipes may burst, insulation can help with this.

    Running it on the inside also looks better.

  2. I'd run it on the inside of the wall.. more protection against errant husbands and their weedwackers.  Be sure to install a drain at the lowest point in the system so you can drain in in the winter.

    Good luck!

  3. whatever your heart desires.

  4. First  is your 20mm PVC pipe pressure rated ?  and are the fittings you intend to use compatible to the existing water service and also pressure rated if not   please don't use the PVC

    It will work more than likely the first time but after awhile (usually when your not there) they burst and create a huge mess

  5. Tubbster try running your water line under your wall and up on the inside wall. Secure your water line to wall using water line clamp.  

    Good Luck

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