
Running my car of water need info please?

by Guest60186  |  earlier

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after browsing the net

i am thinking of running my car of a 4 way Hydrogen Generator {whats the best thing to use for the plates plz}

the Hydrogen Generator will pic up static power of the cam belt made from kids dynamos from push bikes hopefully holding 5 gallon of water

{how much hho will this give me},,in theory the faster the belt spins the more the Hydrogen Generate

..hopfeully taking less power out than they produce with some sort of presure cut of switch for safety so i only burn what i produce when running the engine i will have 2 main feeds 1 to the main fuel inlet and the other to the air intake for high revs both with non return valves

anyone got any idears on how to get this project perfect and the presure valve right so it doesent over produce

kind regards


ps if you have any info that is 100% please forward to me as i am no scientist lol




  1. Since you can't get any more energy out of a system than you put in, that means your going to be spending a lot of time on a push bike.  If you were to power it off of something less tiring to yourself like say gasoline then you would have a Prius, while not gas independent it will get better gas milage.

  2. You can find a great deal of info on youtube and on line, from what I'v read you can suppliment your gas with it and increase your MPG by up to 2x, depeding on how well you make your unit. But I havent seen anyone running a full size P.U. on a HO fuel generator yet without using some gas.

       The info on it using up to much power to generate the gas is hogwash it uses very little 12 volt current The electrics not the key  the water is. You dont need to mess with your cam belt  (whered you get that info) just use you on board  eletric.

      As far as Hydrogen autos that you pull up to a pump and put hydrogen in your car, This will never happen to volatile, to expensive to transport, real bad mpg.etc etec...There just wasting tax dollars in california toying with the idea

      You can get  a complete plan for 50.00 at a sight called "run your car on water"

  3. Is this another scrap heap project ? I am un aware of any technology that gets more power than you put into it, unless your talking fusion and fission...but Fusion is not appliable todays and fission is not allowed by individuals due to the radioactive material.

    Even if it were possible to make something workable in your back yard, oxygen and hydrogen are explosive, so the applications of safety would be paramount.....all for what ? to save a few bucks on gas ?

    Going all electric would be more feasible.

  4. First up what is the main reason that you want to convert your car? Is it:

    1) To reduce CO2 emissions

    2)Save on fuel cost/ better economy or

    3)You just want to toy around with your car?

    If it is either of the first 2 I strongly, strongly suggest you reconsider this idea. I'm not familiar with the 4 way hydrogen generator system but I assume you are talking about generating your own hydrogen and burning it in a traditional internal combustion engine as a hybrid option along with normal petrol (gasoline), as opposed  to fuel cells which are extremely costly.

    To convert the water to hyrdogen while driving it is impossible to increase your efficiency if you run off your cam timing belt or any other belt/shaft connected to the engine as the energy required to split the water into Hydrogen and oxygen is greater than the energy obtained from burning it, i.e. you can not take out more than you put in. You could connect a generator to your wheel axle that is only engaged under braking (like current electric hybrid cars) as this energy is usually dissipated in the form of useless heat anyway. However this will be less effective than an electric motor anyway as your essentially adding an additional step with more inefficiencies.

    If you mean you will generate your hyrdogen before traveling and store it in a 5 gallon tank then the hydrogen gas must be stored at extremely high pressures if you want enough to get you past the end of your block. Due to the volatility of hyrdogen there is also a high risk of explosion if you are in an accident.

    Most of the info on converter packages online are just trying to sell a product and don't have much research backing them up. You probably won't see the return in fuel savings compared to the amount you pay for these packages.

  5. use gas.

  6. Hydrogen technology i still a theory... actual practice isn't yet a possibility (without an insane amount of money/technology)

  7. How about go to the forum of this site

  8. It's a con that's been around a long time (before the 1970's).

    I have a long post to show you why it won't work, post and edit and I'll post it again.

  9. I did a review on the top 4 conversion kits for those that want to convert their cars and trucks to include water (hydrogen) as well as gas.

  10. A little bit of physics here:

    "Law of conservation of energy" - Energy cannot be created, it can only be changed from one form to another.

    So whatever fuel you start with must have more energy than the exhaust you end up with.

    In an oxygen-rich environment, the lowest energy states are the CO2 molecule and the H2O molecule.

    The only way to get energy out of hydrogen is to burn it (and produce H2O) or fuse it (and produce helium plus a nuclear blast).

    The process doesn't work both ways.  You can't start with water, produce hydrogen, burn that hydrogen back into water, and end up with more energy than you started with.

    In simple terms, it is physically impossible to have a system that:

    1) starts with water

    2) ends with water

    3) doesn't have any other energy source

    4) gets a car to move.

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