
Running on cement?

by Guest33177  |  earlier

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what happens if i run on cement for 25- 30 mins for 3 times a week?

theres not much place where i can run on grass though there is a little park that i can run back and forth continously will that be better than running on cement for 25 - 30 mins for 3 times a week?

I know its bad for your knees but what happens when you keep running on cement?




  1. I don't think running on cement is the best thing for your knees, but you aren't talking about any staggering workload. I run for much longer distances on pavement, as do most runners I know.  

    Running on grass or trails is a nice break from pavement, though. I would recommend you mix in some wind sprints in the park.

  2. If you're going to run on concrete, you need to get high quality running shoes - New Balance. Not the cheap ones.

  3. Asphalt is much softer and better than concrete, so run on the road or on asphalt trails more than sidewalks if you can.  Bike paths are another good option.    

    The effects won't be too bad if your not overweight, but if you carry a few extra pounds, it just puts a greater strain on your knees, hips and lower back.


  4. Though this isnt in the right section, if your not running barefoot, then i dont think it makes a huge difference. i guess if you have a good pair of shoes you shouldnt have to worry.

    nvm...what do i kno lol...

  5. Lots of people jog on cement / asphalt more than that and don't have problems.  Think marathoners...they run for hours at a time on cement.

    #1 thing to do is get some good shoes - I wear Mizuno, but go to a running store or a good shoe store and they'll set you up with something that will keep your knees and feet healthy.

    Running back and forth in a park will be fine, but it will get boring really quickly.  I say continue running as you are, but make sure the shoes you have are well-made enough for the amount and type of running you do.  A professional can help you with that, and the money is well worth it in the long run.

  6. like i said cement is not good on the joints at all that it will damage them eventually

  7. since cement is very hard, the impact of the foot hitting the ground will be much harder and this is not a good thing. it will detoriate the joints in both your ankles and your knees. and you are at greater risk of getting small stress fractures in your shins (shin splints) which are quite painful. i do not suggest running on cement as it can have increased damage to your joints than any other running surface. if there is a track at a school that their is access to or something similar i would suggest running on that.
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