
Running on the spot?

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I usually don't have time to go running with all my homework and stuff until it's about 11 but at that time my parents don't allow me to go alone, Does running on the spot help cardio wise? In terms of maintaining weight, will an hour or so of it do any good?




  1. try jump roping, it is really great cardio. Do you have stairs in your house if so you could run up and down them for a good workout. Ab workouts are always great as well. Try doing abs for 30 min. General strength excersises are a great way to build strength but they don't really work on cardio.

    If stairs and jump roping aren't cutting if for you see if your parents will allow you to run in the morning, (maybe you could get them to run with you if they don't want you running alone) do you have a dog? Maybe they will let your dog be your running companion.

    What about right after school, go out for a 25 min run and than eat and do your homework. Or sit down and compromise with your parents. I used to have the same problem with my parents. I started running when I was 10 and they said I was to young to run alone. So I just started out by running circles around my yard and than my parents would drive the car right by my side at like 6mph when I ran on the roads.

    I hope I was able to help a little. Good luck

  2. Its better that you skip on spot than run on spot keeping the kinesthetics in mind... Or even ab crunches, sit ups and stretches should help you to maintain weight...

  3. run in the morning. or take a break from what your doing to go run during the day. or buy a treadmill.
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