
Running question....

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This summer I have been running every day. I switch off with hard and easy days. On the easy days I usually do weights too. After a workout with weights I eat a protein bar. I was wondering if eating a protein bar after a hard run would have any effect.




  1. Protein is always good after a hard workout, since it is used to repair the cell damage you did during training.

  2. You should always have a post workout meal with protein and carbohydrates. After I lift weight and then run I always have a protein shake with a banana in it. make sure you do cardio after lifting weights

  3. After a hard run it is good to eat protein and carbs in a ratio of 1:4.  The protein helps repair your muscles just like after weight lifting.  Supposedly eating protein within 30 minutes of running can decrease muscle soreness.  

  4. Protein is good after and before workouts. It repairs muscle. Also eat carbs before your run, helps to store energy.
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