
Running the 400m tomorrow? tips?

by Guest62435  |  earlier

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Hey I'm a 13 year old girl and I have my first track meet tomorrow. I am running the 400m. Last year I had a 1:04. Any tips on improving this time tomorrow? At the end of the race (usually the last 100m) my legs feel like lead and i feel like i can barely even move them. What causes this and how can I get rid of it? your advise is greatly appreciated. :)




  1. you can dive

    thats what i did and im 12 it improved my time by 2 seconds!

    jk lol

    you can try harder

    you'll be better anyways if its been a year

  2. i start of really slow-like slow motion kinda -i have really long legs(but im not like really tall or anything) so i like take really big leaps when running and it seems to save energy. i start over taking over people the first 200m and i sprint the last 100m-im 14 and have been to state runners..kinda hard to explain but hope i helped

  3. What you are experiencing is the lactic acid build up in your muscles.

    Training by doing intervals so your body can tolerate higher levels of lactic acid is the only way to improve your time.

    You should run the 400 evenly, don't go out slow and then try to run harder the last 100 or 200.

    You should come through the 200 about 2 seconds slower than your 200 race time.

    You must run relaxed, if you tense up and try to run faster you will run slower.

    Hopefully you have been training by doing repeats of 200 and 300 meters.

    Get out, don't start off too slow, relax, carry your speed without trying to increase  your speed after you are at speed, and when coming in keep  your arms moving so that your stride length and turn over rate doesn't slow down.

  4. Just relax, breathe in through your nose out your mouth, and sprint it all.

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