
Running tips I have sectionals!?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so this is basically it, whenever I run, i'm in first place for the first three laps, by the third, some robotic person passes me up, in the event that that happens and tips to catch up/ redeem my title as #1, I know i can do it, its just as soon as someone passes me up, i totally loose it?




  1. slow id down at the begining then peed up towards the end. also, rin on the balls of your feet, not the heels

  2. I have the exact same problem as you do. I would always be in front then on the final stretch I would lose my lead. I talked to my coach and my dad (who both are/were involved in track and field) and they pretty much told me the same thing. I need more endurance. Try training with the your distance runners more often. Then, once you think you have long term endurance, train with your sprinters. This will give you the speed you need for the final stretch, you have the endurance, you just need the speed now. Also, remember your form. Its extremely important in those final 100 meters or so, Keep your elbows close to your body and extend you hands almost like your going to shake someones hand, then bring them up by your head. Keep your knees up when you run and sprint on the ball of your feet. Hopefully it will be enough to get you through that last lap.

  3. maybe you need to adjust your running strategy. you should let the robotic person lead the first 2-3 laps and then you go around them. when you let someone else lead you use less energy. if you do this make sure to stay with them no matter what though, don't get far behind otherwise you won't be able to catch up at the end

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