
Running/tredmill help?

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i'm trying to lose some weight, i'm not that happy with my thighs. my calfs arent big but i would say i have thicker thighs, i was a gymnast so i have muscle in them, that makes them bigger but i also have fat. i also am a snowboarder in winter time so my legs get muscle. i wanna try to run on the tredmill to lose some weight. my question is will this make my legs only gain a lota muscle & get bigger or make them smaller????





  1. If you continue to do you gymnastics workouts while running on the treadmill your legs will probably stay the same size, amybe shrink down a bit. But running does burn fat in the entire body. Best exercise for burning fat. Just make sure you do it for more then 20 mins. After 20 mins is when the intense fat burning takes place. Lay off the leg workouts for a few weeks and just run, you'll see a noticeable difference in your legs from the running.

  2. welll, depends how often u do it. if u do it too often like everyday, then u'll prolly get muscle. u shud use the "Thigh Reducer" program on the treadmill & u wont hav 2 worry about gaining muscle. i remember..i gained a lot of muscle on my leg on the treadmilll ...but thats cuz i went on it alot of times! hope i helped:)
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