
Running+ weight lifting question?

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if i run at like 9 in the morning for about an hour.. of sprinting workouts.. and lift at 6 p.m is that enough rest for muscles. if not, what can i do?




  1. You don't need to wait in between those particular activities.Running is a cardio exercise,not muscle building like strength training. After strength training is when you should wait 1-2 days before working the same muscle group again. They need to rest and repair. When you lift weights you cause tinny tears in the tissue,when this heals is what causes them grow larger and become stronger.Cardio can be done most every day where as weight lifting cannot

  2. You dont need to wait really when runnign/working out.

    From the sounds of it, it sounds like you are a sprinter. Sprinters you have to really work on the upper body during the work outs. Just make sure you take it an easy and dont injure yourself.

    During XC practice we would go and work out right after we ran, so it doesnt matter how long you take.

  3. yeah, that should give you enough time.  Honestly you can weight train after you run and you'll be fine.  Just don't do that every day.  Also, if you want to combine the two, you can buy weighted clothing (vest, shorts, ankle and wrist weights) and that will really help your times if you're serious about that.

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