
Runnnnning question!! ***10 pts best answer =]?

by  |  earlier

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alright so im starting to run everyday now.

cause i want to get in shape for my schools swim team,volleyball,track, eh other sports.

but when i run i always seem to not breath right or something cause i feel like im panting like a dog..

and im not out of shape im always outside and running around

and involved with other summer sports..

is there like a certain way to breath when your excercising and running??




  1. i usually hav a pattern wen i run. i know it sounds wierd but i usually breathe along to a tune wenever i run. it works for me!

  2. if you keep a pattern with breathing it helps... count to three

    one. two. three. *breathe*

    one two. three *breathe*

    you can even get your feet into the pattern stepping with your left foot every one and three or whatever... whatever works for you.. hope i helped.. good luck =]

  3. when your running, you breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, it keeps your system clear. i had the same problem but now i fell in to the habit of breathing like this and it saves a lot of energy. =]

    *good luck*

  4. breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth. also make sure you move your arms. bring water with. you dont wanna get dehydrated.

    also, drewb or whatever. you got it backwards. beause if you notice its a lot harder to do it your way. your breaths will be shorter, and you get lightheaded.

  5. the correct way to do it is in through your nose for a 3 count, and out your mouth for a 3 count.. good luck

  6. its ideal if you breathe in through your mouth and out through your nose. at least thats what my coaches told me. but i found that to be really difficult while im running. i know so really amazing runners who pant the whole way through the race. i think its just how you are.

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