
Runs for 15 secc.'s to 1 Min. Then Shuts off...

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I have a Reddy Heater 60 that has been used very little (less than 2 gallons of fuel). I purchased it in 2001 and it worked that winter. I haven't been able to get it to run correctly since. I dismantled it and checked the fuel flow; and the igniter shuts off while it is still "misting" fuel. I put a light on the Photo-electric cell and it made no difference. To get it to re-start, I must unplug it from the wall and re-plug it in. As soon as I plug it in again, it fires right up, but then the igniter shuts off and it shuts down the unit. It does not seem to be fuel delivery, but what ever causes the igniter to shut down. Any suggestions?Steve


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