
Rural jamaica?

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my church is looking for people to go to jamaica, for a week to help out with things at there parish in jamaica. i live in new jersey, and my mother and i were gunna go, i am under 18, and the typical jersey girl, if any body has ever done this please let me know what it is like, and give me some input. we will be in rural jamaica.




  1. Father Ho Lung is a Jamaican priest who is on EWTN, Catholic broadcasting TV...He is very familiar with charity work there maybe you can contact him

    Use your search engine to find more information about him.  Just put his name in 'Father Ho Lung' and you will find out all you want about him or get his email address from EWTN on line.

  2. Well I can sorta answer because although I have done something similiar, I did not go to Jamaica, but to Costa Rica.  Maybe the two might have something in common because they are both Latin American countries?  My experience in Costa Rica was a group of friendly, welcoming, and hard-working people.  It was definitely  a great trip and frankly, I think that I came out of it with more than I gave back to the people I met there.  (They were adding on to their church and some people at mine paid a visit and helped them out with the building - I mostly just watched the little kids as I have no building skills)

    I have a really good friend from Jamaica and she always talks fondly of her country.  She lives in the U.S. now, but I've never heard her say anything to the effect of feeling less safe there than she does when she's living in Texas.  My sis and her husband went on their honeymoon there.  I know a honeymoon resort is completely not the same thing that you'll be doing there, but they had a really great experience in the country as well.

    I say as long as you are polite and practice common decency, you will have a great trip! (I say that to any of my fellow Americans going abroad)

  3. We stay in Rural Jamaica when we vacation there. Just be yourself. Don't dress to impress anyone because they don't care what you look like. I love Jamaica beacuse Jamaicans see people for what they are not what they look like. Be prepared to walk alot and just be nice. Jamaicans value respect. Don't worry about make-up, jewelry, clothes beacuse all of that just doesn't matter. It really is an eye opener on how much we in the US judge others. Take your bug spray and sunblock! email me I'd like to know where you are going. I can give you some more info if I know what parish you are heading to.

  4. I'm a jamaican, bring sneakers, short cuz' its gunna be extremely hot, hat and don't eat any fruits unless u r told too. theres lots of trees of course, o and bring a camera its going to be beautiful !! :[]
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