
Rush Limbaugh just signed a 400 million dollar deal I find him boring and repetative?

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I do not know why he is popular especially after the failed Bush years- and I am a Republican. Another huge money maker is Howard Stern. I also find him boring and uninteresting and very repetitive. I would like fans of both to educate me on why they find either of these creatures interesting. 2 or 3 minutes and I am snoring.




  1. I don't know why Stern is allowed on the air at all.Rush used to be OK but has gotten to the point that once you've heard him you never need to again.I like Sean Hannity. He has a good and informative show.

  2. Are you kidding? The mindless rambling of drug addicts like rush trying to sound intelligent and meaningful  is often quite hilarious.

  3. ehf. i really dislike the two also and i think its extremely stupid that people listen to them. heard of the "dumbing of America"? well...there you have it. the only people that listen to the two are people who are dumb enough to think they are being entertained, which is most of America. i think its disgusting that Rush signed that deal, the fact that he'll be paid that much money....ugh i can't even think about it. i'm an independent, but i dislike alot of the political commentators out there today, democrat and republican ones. i really think we need someone new, innovative, and intelligent (ding!) to start a radio revolution...

  4. He's interesting if you're interested in politics, if you're not he's boring.

  5. Not a fan of either, but my dad listens to Rush from time to time, because he has been brainwashed by his fundie neighbors. Also, he seems to enjoy the stimulation from strong emotions that an annoying person like Rush can give you.

    Personally I'm with you. They both annoy and bore me.

  6. uh thanks for sharing that. Just another thing that makes this country  the nutty place that it is. You sir have that right.and you certainly dont have to listen to him.

  7. You & me both.  It gets old fast.  I guess the money's always going to be there as long as they have their devoted followers.

  8. I agree with you on Stern.

    Rush, however tackles the issues in the news and gives a different perspective than what you hear from almost all the other news sources.  You have to be really interested in politics to listen to him for a long time, because his show is almost exclusively politics.  If politics isn't your thing, you will easily get bored listening to political commentary.

    Plus Bush has had one of the most successful presidencies since Reagan.  He lowered taxes.  Overthrew 2 evil dictatorships. Has made al-qaeda practically irrelevant, kept America safe since 911. And so far has kept the economy growing and out of a recession.  He has done 10 times more than Clinton ever did and has done a much better job than his father.  If the Democrats in Congress  would cooperate with him, he would reduce our dependence on foreign oil and fix Social Security and Medicare.  But the Dems don't want him to get credit for it, so the oppose his great plans even though it will bankrupt Social Security and Medicare and drive energy prices much higher.

  9. Don't listen if he so bad to you. Is it that hard for you to figure out?

  10. They are interesting to at least a few people, otherwise they would not need a small army to take their money to the bank.

    I don't listen to Rush for intelligent discourse, but he can be amusing at times.

  11. Ahh, they are "interesting" because they speak their minds, untethered by such thigs as "facts" and "propriety".

    I find Rush a vacuous bore.

    I find Howard a vacuous bore.

    And they are repetative

    And they are repetative

    And they are repetative

    And they are repetative

    And they are repetative

    (Did i already say that?)

  12. If you don't like them don't listen to them.

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