
Ruskies missed Georgia pipeline ? Why ?

by Guest56812  |  earlier

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  1. thanks god it missed

    i think Russia has been bombing strategic places of Georgia , coz wanted to show the world he is not afraid of anything,, besides wanted to frighten the Georgians and its Government

  2. You know the answer to that as well as I do.

  3. Odd there are no pictures to back this up.

  4. The answer is simple. We all know that Russian weapons are very precise and if they really wanted to destroy it, they would have done so. Thus it's quite obvious this action was provoked by Mr. Saakashvili himself to show Russians as agressors.

  5. That's not the target

  6. it is russian oil that flows through that pipe line.

  7. I've got a feeling that this is all going to end VERY badly.

  8. We all know why they missed the pipeline lol.

  9. Only the pilots know that answer!

  10. Dude

    As the article says, Russia is increasing its stranglehold on Europe's oil supplies - clearly to up the price

    You can't sell what you destroy


    Attacks on Georgia 'deplorable'

    Press Assoc. - 1 hour 25 mins ago

    Britain has condemned Russian attacks deep into Georgian territory as "deplorable" amid fading hopes of an early end to the conflict.

    Georgia on Sunday night offered a ceasefire and said it was withdrawing troops from the breakaway province of South Ossetia.

    But prospects of peace were cast in doubt after Russia launched air strikes on the Georgian capital Tbilisi and its navy sank a Georgian boat in the Black Sea.

    Meanwhile, Moscow accused Georgian forces of firing on Russian troops in the South Ossetian capital Tskhinvali.

    Britain's Europe Minister Jim Murphy said Russia's military action was "deplorable".

    He told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "The fact that Russia is now going even beyond Abkhazia and South Ossetia, bombing sites near to the Georgian capital of Tbilisi, the fact that Russia has mobilised at least part of the Black Sea fleet off the coast of Georgia is entirely deplorable Russian military behaviour.

    "There cannot be a military solution to this, it is absolutely clear."

    Diplomatic efforts to bring an end to the crisis continued today with a conference call between foreign ministers from the G7 countries - the G8 minus Russia.

    BBC 'Have your say'

  11. Because they havn't seen it in 17 years I guess. :D

  12. I think that article is self explanatory, either that or the pilots had too much Vodka the night before

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