
Russia's Air Force has Illegally flew into American Air space.Has the Liberals made America Look Soft?

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Russia's Air Force has Illegally flew into American Air space.Has the Liberals made America Look Soft?




  1. If indeed that happened it is your "commander in Chief" that is responsible to respond and nothing to do with the Liberals.  Rather I would say it is our president that makes us look stupid, now get back under your bridge and be sure to look up when the "Libs" take a dump over the side of the bridge, it might increase your cerebral volume.

  2. i don't think that the US didn't take action..

    they probably gave a warning to the Russia Air Force or warn them that if that happens again the plane will be shoot down..

    maybe the Russian pilot was on mission or did a mistake..

  3. Hey dude, I dont know if you are old enough to remember this, but back in the Reagan years Russia shot down a commercial airplane for flying into their airspace. The U.S. did nothing.

  4. From 1947 to 1962 the USA had a policy of using USAF planes spying on the USSR and trying to penetrate USSR airspace.   This was so,  if war came,  our bombers would know the best way to penetrate USSR airspace.    After many such missions,  the USSR adopted a "shoot first" mentality.  KAL 007 was just one of the side effects of that mentality.

    The missions were called ferret missions and flew quite often out of Ladd AFB in Alaska.   What they found was low level penetration worked the best and that was one reason the B70 project was cancelled.  

    Along the same lines,  they used Plattesburg AFB in NY to run similar missions against the air defenses of the USA.   The most common plane used was the B57 Canberra.  What they found that despite all the radars of the Air Defense Command,  the bombers got through more often than not.   The USAF in one of the wiser cost saving decisions realized that if it could not see and stop bombers from coming in,  it was a waste of money to try.   So in the mid 1970s  it closed down all of its Air Defense Command installations and disbanded the entire command.    But you can still see residuals of the Command.   There are little old radar units all over the USA.    (Winnemucca and Tonopah, NV.  San Pedro, California to name three.)

    These systems should not be confused with the massive PAVE PAW units of the Space Command.   These are located at Bealle AFB, CA,   Cape Cod AFB, MA and Clear AFB, AK.   These units look outward and upward for incoming missiles and space recon.   (Since they look OUTWARD and UPWARD,  claims that the USAF saw the 911 planes and had NORAD stand down are stupid.)

    While the USA was messing with the USSR,   the USSR was doing the same with the USA and its allies.   The proof that they did know how to do it was graphically demonstrated with a USSR pilot landed his MiG 25 at Hakodate, Japan in bad weather.   Quite a surprise as none of the military or air traffic control radars saw him coming.  

    Also,  today the Russians want to put on a show of force but they realize if war came,  they would take the worst of it.   Therefore they are not really trying to penetrate US airspace as they stay on a steady course and fly at relatively high altitudes so their approach can be noted.   When they are intercepted,  it is photo time for both sides.

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