
Russia: Cultural communication - Most important?

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I'm traveling to Russia this summer. I'll be teaching English to college kids for two weeks. What do you think is the most important thing that I need to know, or the most important thing I can do to prepare... to show respect for their culture and to communicate effectively? Thanks!




  1. They will want to know all about America.  And they will ask you about President Bush and other politicians and Paris Hilton.  You must be a goodwill ambassador and not really give personal opinions.  Don't speak negatively of your country.  Talk only about the positive aspects.  They like to drink a lot of vodka.  The architecture is very drab.  The food is not good and very limited.   The people have a tough pride and a hard row to hoe.    If you are taking some gifts, they love shot glasses.  The kids love chocolate.

  2. Be yourself and if in doubt choose the conservative route.

  3. It very much depends on the city u r going to. The larger the city is the more you have to prepare if you want the classes to be interesting. the larger the city the more access they have to various resources, they would know English on a good level (consider this - English is very often taught since 5th grade adn urs are uni students, so over 7 -9 years of school\uni english), available media and resources to help the learn, so may be some exciting and interesting methods from your point of view would be regular for them.

    Even though students would be more opened there is still that factor, russians brainwashed into thinking they are the best in everything, my last encoutners with russians proved they are sort of stubborn, even though they are wrong they have a hard time admiting it.

    If ur class is classroom based, take them out, even to sports field nearby, this is rarely done by local teachers, it might be more difficult to organize people but the degree of their openess and interest in what you do will increase

    Good luck!

  4. I spent 6 months in the old USSR. All Russians loved the occidental authors, in particular, the Kerouac style. Obviously, in that period an occidental book  was almost a dream. I visited again St.Petersbourg and Moscow in 2002. Be ready to speak about music and literature but, first of all, be prepared to debate Armani, Valentino etc.

  5. You will become an attraction for them. Most have never seen an American up close and personal, and only seek to meet one... So they expect to be surprised by you, and their encounter with you, could mark their life for many years to come... So be yourself, they are just asking to see the world through your eyes. If you become too much like them, they will think that the whole world is the same all over... This is not good, especially for young Russian...

  6. How to hold your liquor.

    This seems to help in most countries.

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