
Russia & Georgia.. How do you think it will end?

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Who do you think will win this, what do you think the end result will be? Do you think anyone else will get involved and join in?

From what i have seen and read i can't see how they will come to any kind of agreement in the near future, I can't see Russia backing down, what do you think?




  1. Oil and Gas will go up even more. Any excuse will do.

  2. Invading Russia would be very hard. Unless like 20 countries took them on. This situation is to hard to predict, one thing is that the Georgians can't take on russia.

  3. There are some real childish answers on here, but I think that this is conflict is going to escalate into a much bigger war.  If I were you I'd start to prepare for the worst.

  4. This is what's going to spark WWIII.

    You have been warned.  

  5. Russia invades Georgia, Ossetia becomes part of Russia, end of story. Putin shows Russia's military prowess, and reveals the weakness/powerlessness the US has in foreign affairs.  

  6. 1. Russia knows it has the upper hand in this issue and will win this.  2. Nobody will get involved or join this mess. The European Union will not do anything, Europe has become energy dependent on Russia's oil and gas.  A gas pipeline runs through Georgia to European countries.  Georgia was not accepted as a NATO member so NATO will not get involved.  Only the United States is condemning Russia but the US will not dare get involved in a military conflict with Russia. Even if we had the will, the military has been weakened and overstretched by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.  

    3. Russia does not need to agree to anything or back down.  Not even the United Nations has any power over Russia because Russia has the power to veto UN resolutions.  If Russia is thrown out of the United Nations we won't be around to think about any of this.  

  7. KA-BOOM!!!!!!!!


  8. I do not see any reason for Russia to bak down because it was that Georgia idiot who started the first shot and it is too late for him to say "I am sorry" or to call for cease fire. This is a serious international war game, not a child's play.  The game will not stop untill the Russia bear delivers an unforgetable lesson to that coward. If Uncle Sam considers the punishment does not fit the crime, he has to answer American people if Iraqis people truely deserves a 5+ years' devasting war in their homeland.

  9. by the end of world war III for i bet it is the start  

  10. Come on lets look at this.

    Russia has a huge army that are well trained and organised.

    NATO are fooling themselves of they think they have power in that area. Yes Russia are alone in that area but they are the one in control. No country will challenge them as both NATO and Russia know that nothing can be won from going to war with each other.

    Looks like another Cold War

    suhailkabir why would it be a loss? Russia have the largest supply of oil in the world which puts them in a position of huge power

  11. Russia will obviously win the fight but it will be isolated from the world community. If Russian don't leave Georgia the US will be force to arm Georgia to fight in guerrilla style warfare. The turning point is will Russia go to Ukraine? because if that is the case it will be the end of the cold war equip Russian arm forces. We might see a new   NATO when that happens.

  12. Russia will install a puppet government in Georgia that will follow orders.  After this show of naked aggression the nations in the region will draw closer to the US and EU for protection.  Many will probably ask to join NATO.  The EU will redouble it's efforts to ween itself off oil and natural gas to compensate for the fact that Russia will control all the fuel pipelines into Europe.  When they succeed in replacing oil Russia will find it's resources have become worthless and will suffer economically.

    In the long run this will come back to bite Russia in the ***.

  13. Of course Russia will back down. Otherwise, they will be kicked off of the United Nations Security Council and they do not want to lose that privilege. Plus the nation is slowly getting more industrialized by trading with the West and they clearly don't want to lose that too...

  14. Russia is a coward. A stronger country invading a small country..

    I hope USA and UK will kick Russian as..s

  15. As I just heard on the TV..Russia isn't backing away from Georgia..only creating more issues and trouble..Russia is being very agressive right now against sad..thousands of people dead..why?

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