
Russia-Georgia Situation.... What happens?

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Anyone have any idea how this will play out? Will this have any global effects if it were to escalate? Specifically, what effects would it have on the US?




  1. maybe you would enjoy reading to h**l with h**l which can be purchased on b and n dot com and amazon dot com.  it explains how the universe is controlled by God, including this situation.  How it works out, who knows.  But the point of my answer is to give you peace within because God is in control, not man, to an extent.  To some extent man is in control.  However, as pointed out in that book, nothing man can do will interfere with God's Master Plan, whatever that is.  So, read and be at peace.  I hope this helps

  2. The situation will not escalate because Russia hold all the cards in the situation.  NATO and the US are not going to bomb Russian interests because of South Ossetia!  Yet another reminder of how pointless standing up Georgia against Russia is if you cannot defend that commitment.

    We give Georgia weapons and support to reign in a province that they lost back in the 90's while simultanously allowing Kosovo to be independent.  it is a double standard that all, including the Russians, are guilty of.

    This will end with South Ossetia being destroyed, Russia giving Georgia a bloody nose, and Georgia playing the victim.  

    The effects will be minimal on the US because we have no leverage.  If we were to increase our financial and military aid against the Russians, they, the Russians would cause problems for our Israeli defense policy by finishing the deal they have with Iran in providing s-300 anti-air missiles.  

    We care more about what Israel wants then what the Georgians want, so the Georgians will be abandoned and Russia will have its way.

  3. Russia is trying to go back to it's Soviet roots of using force and oppression. During the Soviet era any opposition from Soviet republics or any country within th Eastern block met with force and now Russia is trying to do the same thing. Unfortunately Russia is more militarily advanced than Georgia. Russia probably wants to get rid of any pro-Western leader within it's former empire. Georgia's president is very pro-American. If Russians succeed in kicking him out of power they will likely put a puppet government there, just like in Soviet times.  

  4. It all depends really.

    Russia has been escalating demonstrations of its military prowess the past few years, from flying over an American aircraft carrier, to restoring strategic bomber flights that were commonplace during the cold war. Its obvious to me what Russia wants is to gain more say-so in international relations, by having the bully-impact on its neighbor. Yeah, Georgia isn't all innocent, but by no means is Russian military force necessary or even warranted. We supported Kosovar independence, but we didn't invade Serbia when they said they thought it was illegal!

    If the United States, as I expect, provides transport aircraft for Georgian troops back to Georgia from Iraq, we could potentially have a global war on our hands depending on whether or not Russia decides to flex its muscle and try to take out said transport aircraft.

    Its the small things that start big wars. This is small, historically. Can our leaders and Russian leaders prevent this from escalating anymore? We'll see within the coming days.

  5. Georgia is a rogue state backed by USA.If the west can free Kosovo why not Ossetia why the double standard.

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