
Russia Georgia whos side are you on?

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Russia Georgia whos side are you on?




  1. And from what to protect a fascist me? Certainly I will go for Russia to militate

  2. Georgia

    such a little country really deserves my sympathy

    Russia has always been aggressor to me  

  3. Georgia.

    The USA had "break away states" in 1861 and insisted it had the right to keep them within the fold. So it had the Civil War.

    Russian has problems with a "break away state" called Chechen and is insisting they stay within the fold.  Another internal war.

    The situation in Georgia is no different.  They have one small area called Ossetia that wants to break away and Georgia wants them to remain in the fold.   An internal war.  

    The problem is many in that area are "Russian" and Russia feels it has the right to "protect" them.  This is the same kind of  argument Hitler used when he moved into Czechoslovakia,  saying he was protecting Germans.    

    This is just Russian trying to grab some land just like the Germans. An attempt to recreate the great "Russian Empire."    

    Russia is dead wrong on this and needs to butt out.  

  4. Russia because I despise the defecting, US suckups,who started the war anyway and are now complaining to the UN that Russia is owning them too much at their own game.

    Славься, Отечество наше свободное!!!!!

  5. definitely not on the side of the kind of "peacekeepers" Russia has. everyone can have an opinion but it doesn't change the truth. people are dying because of some archaic imperialistic ambitions of their northern neighbors. just one important detail: i believe in the sanity and sensibility of russian people. i just wish i could say the same about russian government

  6. i really don't care but i will say that russia is in the right, georgia is trying to take bak S.O., they lost S.O over ten yrs ago and most of the ppl that live there r russia, georgia killed many russias and is trying to take bak land that belongs to russia now, if some country tryed to take bak land that we own now u all would be sayin there wrong and we need to go to war, look at it from out side the box

  7. >This is just Russian trying to grab some land just like the Germans.

    that'ss a bull ****.

    I'm living in south osettia, we are small kind country, wdidn'tnt wanted to fight, wdidn'tnt want blood.

    But Georgian president saakashvildeclarere us war. They killed our people and civils.

    Russian army helps us to fight again georgiaggressorsors! They feed us and heal us. They are real heroes.

    Go here and look with your eyes how georgian troops killing children. It is easy to say such things from US. Come here and you'll see truth that is no on your tv

    God blessing russians, thanks to them

  8. I live in the US so i dont really have a choice.


    Georgia are fighting with Osetia!!!

    Russia DID NOT ATTACK Georgia! 07.08.2008 at 22:00 Georgia has attacked South Ossetia. At 3:30 08.08.2008 tanks of the Georgian armies have entered into city Tskhinvali. Artillery bombardment all the day long proceeded, fights with use of tanks and heavy combat material, both against ossetic armies, and against peace inhabitants were conducted. 1400 civil people already were lost. The Russian peacemakers have arrived to South Ossetia in the evening 08.08.2008 for settlement of the conflict and prompting of the world in republic and protection of the Russian citizens living on territory of South Ossetia. Georgia has attacked South Ossetia on eve of Olympiad, it is top of cruelty and cynicism. Proofs and video-materials look on : , , , , , , .We shall tell is not present to WAR!!!  

  10. Neither.

    It doesn't matter.

    The blame game is only gonna make things worse.

    This question should read:

    "How do we get Russia and Georgia to put down their weopons before things get REALLY messy?"

  11. There is no sides to be taken this conflict could lead to WW3 as Georgia wish to join NATO. Its most likely to be Georgia's fault as they took some land and thought that Russia wouldn't fight back just like with the Falkland Islands. Russia have killed 1700+ Georgian civilians with isn't acceptableeorgia thought they could get away with taking the land. In one way i support Georgia but the could have lead to a WW3 as Britian and Usa are thinking of sending support to Georgia if Russia dont stop killing the civilancivilians the other side i support Russia as they had not have started it but they want to show the world how powerful they are and they are killing the inosentinnocent

  12. How can you choose sides, when both sides are killing civilians?  That's like saying "North Vietnam or the United States - who's side are you on?"  Well, uh, they're both pretty f**ked up.

    However, I think the points made about the history of Russia and its motives and imperialist objectives are very valid.  Let's not forget that the Soviet government killed 50 million+ of its own citizens just for s**ts and giggles.

    Edit:  I assume that you Elena, are of Russian descent and possibly even a Russian citizen (given the fact that the websites you listed are in the .ru domain).  I suggest reading "The Gulag Archipelago" by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (taboo, I know) to get a good grasp of what the Russian government is really about.  It's probably the most poignant and moving piece of nonfiction I have ever read and is a first-hand account of the inner-workings of Soviet government.  

    As a testament to the power it held in the Soviet Union: "Although more than three decades have passed since the winter of 1974, when unbound, hand-typed samizdat versions of Alexander Solzhenitsyn's 'The Gulag Archipelago' circulating in what used to be the Soviet Union, the emotions they stirred remain today. Usually, readers were given only 24 hours to finish the lengthy manuscript before it had to be passed on to the next person. That meant spending an entire day and night absorbed in Solzhenitsyn's prose...People in that first generation of readers remember who gave them the book, who else knew about it, to whom they passed it. They remember the stories that affected them most -- tales of small children in the camps, or of informers, or of camp guards. They remember what the book felt like -- the blurry, mimeographed text; the dog-eared paper; the dim glow of the lamp switched on late at night -- and with whom they discussed it."

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