
Russia and Georgia, what happend?

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Is this what happend?

South Ossetia separated from Georgia

Georgia attacks South Ossetia

Russia attacks Georgia

Is this what happend?




  1. a lot of S.Osetians had Russian passport so they were Russian citizens. Georgian forces attacted S.Osetia at the night of Olympic Games. S. Osetia asked Russia to help so Russians came. If they hadn't done it, Georgians would fight Russian boarders and captured N. Osetia (which is a part of Russia) Georgia has a very comfortable position. They can pretend to a small weak country attacted by big Russia. They HAVE ALREADY CUT THE CONNECTION TO ALL RUSSIAN TV CHANNELS AND WEBSITES. They act like a naughty baby in the kindergarten who can kick and hit his groupmate and then after his reaction say: HE STARTED IT!!!!

  2. Not exactly.

    S.Ossetia wanted to separte from Georgia, Georgia didn't want to let that happen so they wanted to keep them by force (which conflict has lastes 20 years)

    Georgia attacked S.O. killed 1500 civilians and 12 Russian peacekeepers and wounding 50.

    Now Russia is sending troops to S.O. to protect it from Georgia and to get more refugees and wounded out.

    Russia never attacked Georgia.

  3. You got it exactly correct.

    Only South Ossetia is still a part of sovereign Georgia.

    Think of it as if Russia was supporting the Confederacy against the US.  

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