
Russia and Georgia War?

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I'm not all that much in politics or whatever. But I continue to see news about Georgia and Russia. Can someone explain why they are at war, in simple terms?




  1. Russia wants regain georgia but georgia wants their indapendince. its like the revulutinary war. if you go on: to world news than to europ you will find a list of stuff or go on than click on would news...

  2. Interesting Question. I think Russia were waiting for the Georgians to take back South Ossetia.(Originally Georgian Territory) that lies on the Russian border.

    This then gave the Russians an excuse to attack Georgia. The Russians are making an example of the small Georgian army to tease the western world (especially USA).

    Georgia was the third largest contributor of troops to Iraq just behind the UK and USA. This would make Georgia an alloy of the United States.

    The United States have replied by agreeing with Poland to build missiles on the Polish borders aimed towards Russia. In Exchange USA has provided Poland with various Military materials.

    Russia has now threatened to storm Poland, but in order to do so, they would have to storm Ukraine which lies between the two countries.

    USA would not stand by while Russia attacks Poland(A Very Close Alloy), this very well could result in WW III in the coming years. But the odds are it wont as all the nations involved in the current conflict are members of NATO.

    If it was to result in a war between the two nations, Russia would most definitely fancy their chances because the US Army are currently bogged down in silly wars all over the middle-east that they are struggling to win.

    Can You imagine the consequences against A Huge Military Army such as Russia, who are almost as advanced as the US. With nearly Triple the amount of troops !

    Have A Nice Day

    Raymond de Roiste

  3. Russia is now run by former KGB agents such as Putin. They want to recapture some of the control they had in the past when they were the Soviet Union. Invading Georgia is a way of doing that. Old habits die hard.

  4. S. Ossetia was a city in what was once the Soviet state of Georgia.  When the Soviet Union collapsed, Georgia became an independent country.  However, parts of Georgia preferred to be part of Russia rather than the Democratic Georgia and have tried to break free of Georgia since shortly after the collapse.  Georgia never really has had much control over S Ossetia, and went in militarily to take control of a turbulent area during the opening of the Olympics.  Russia, who has maintained relations with S Ossetia (and has been upset with Georgia for some time for being democratic and trying to joining NATO) pounced on this as an excuse (or more specifically, the Russian peace keepers who were reportedly killed during the Georgian operation to clamp down on the separatists in S Ossetia) to flex their military muscle and send a message to the other states.  There's rocks to be thrown at Georgia for starting this, but Russia is a complete and total hypocrite here and deserves far more criticism.  Basically, they annihilated Chechnya when Chechnya tried to secede from Russia, but they're hammering Georgia for doing the same thing (on a much, much smaller scale, with more restraint) in trying to control the separatists in S Ossetia.

  5. because a little part of georgia that likes the russians was being killed by georgian army so the russians moved in now theve went to far boming in georgia and moving in

  6. In a nutshell, militants (fomented by and including the Russian 'peacekeepers' there) in South Ossetia were attacking the Georgian Gov't and Georgian civilians. It appears that all this behind the scenes prepping for war was orchestrated by the Russian Gov't - as they were unhappy with Georgia. Georgia then responded against the militants and then Russia invaded Georgia.  

    Russia wants to:

    * control Georgia's oil transportation/supply routes from the Caspian Sea and thus control ALL of Europe's energy inputs

    * intimidate Georgia into not joining NATO

    * push Georgia from becoming a true democracy on Russia's border

    * punish Georgia for allying with the US

    * move towards re-creating the USSR


  7. Hi. Plz look at this: . It is video from FoxNews in live broadcast. There one girl with aunt tell about situation in Ossetia. They live in USA, but when the war happened, they were in Ossetia and saw all by themselves. I ask you about this because Youtube corrupt free speech and freeze counters and delete comments (just look dates of comments at the second page and so on). They say that if you have american IP you can't see it, but i don't know exactly. Anyway the title is: "Fox News: 12 Year Old Girl Tells the Truth about Georgia".

    PS Fight for free speech!

    PPS Spread the word!

    PPPS If YouTube doesn't allow to see that video try to use this:

    PS: it wount surprise me if the link will not work from US, land of freedom...

  8. There's a conflict for various reasons that started long before you and I were born. Its about territory, oil, NATO, democracy, and now hmmm McCain.  

  9. trying to be unbiased:

    when the USSR broke up into many smaller nations, the biggest being Russia, many Russians were not to happy about it.

    Due to this general unhappiness, conflicts arose in many parts on the Russian borders, especially with previous-USSR nations such as Georgia.

    Two such areas are Abkhazia and South Ossetia (the one currently in focus)

    So now, Russia consider South Ossetia and Abkhazia to be independent nations (just like Kosovo managed to declare itself independent from Serbia)

    But georgia considers them to be its states (Just like Serbia considered Kosovo to be its state)

    Now Russia develops "ties" with the de-facto independent South Ossetia and send in its "peacekeepers". Basically they get some control over a disputed territory.

    Georgia does not like this and enters South Ossetia (attacking peacekeepers etc.) It says this move is legitimate because it has entered its own land.

    But Russia claims Georgia has invaded an independent nation (South Ossetia) and thus moves to help its ally (South Ossetia) in the war against the oppressor Georgia.

    Basically this is Russia's response to the independence of Kosovo. Russia did not support that move and the USA did (mainly so that the USA could have a strategic ally in the Balkans where the USA could house a military base). Now Russia has exploited a technicality (just like the US did many years ago when they managed to get NATO involved in Kosovo) and is pressing Georgia more for symbolic reasons than to get actual land.

    But since Bush is anti-Russia, he is automatically pro-Georiga

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