
Russia and the West?

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Why does the West allow Russia (aka USSR) to annex parts of Georgia - who next ? Poland ? Germany ? Wake up and smell the coffee - the Russian (Red) Army and the whole Russian (Soviet) state understand only 1 thing - strength - to back off to them is insane - draw the line in the sand or we will pay - to fail now is to fail for the next 50 years




  1. The biggest dictator in history Stalin made them part of Georgia!

    Before that they weren't!

    So it's 100 times better than what the West did in Kosovo because what the west did in Kosovo may seem cool but the minor detail Serbian civilization originates in Kosovo is making it not so cool.

    Are you ready to bet a t******e that after one week they will be annexed to Russia?Everybody has a big mouth but I judge by what you are ready to put on the table.I put mine

  2. Why is everybody panicking about Russia when it was at the height of its power it tried to impose itself on Afghanistan and the rag heads kicked there arses over the moon it was pathetic , there was supposedly one of the most powerful race on earth running away from a few rag heads in total disarray with its tail firmly tucked between its legs , that was many years ago since then there forces are a joke with very little going for them , a few Chetnics have been giving them the runaround , and they cannot even beat a small terrorist group that sticks two fingers up to them . Yet they rattle there swords and the whole world quivers in fear from a broken down almost toothless tiger . If Russia even dared to try to use its outdated nukes it would be a smoking hole before they could shout niet.

  3. and how this is different from US and UK invade Iraq and Afganistan?

  4. First off Georgia started it, Russia finished it, why is that such a problem, The Georgians started shooting at Russian Peace-keepers, they deserved every-thing they got...

    Now..your the one who has gone mad, if you think we should send tanks in to fight the Russians, this would almost certainly end in human disaster of huge proportions, for what? because you me and every-body eligible would be drafted to be thowen in-to the front line to die, for what? cause the Russians decided to defend need to get a grip on reality...

  5. Agreed.  Russia must be seriously confronted and stopped.

  6. You can bet Russia will flex its muscle to see how far it can go.

    When we draw a line in the sand, are we willing to flex our muscle to  go as far as is necessary in enforcement.  Talk is cheap, but putting your money where your mouth is takes a bit more effort!  Never doubt

    that Russia is already on to this!

  7. ll those countries were part of the FORMER USSR (First letter stood for UNITED).  After the Fall of East Germany it was proven that the USSR played a pretty good game of poker because their military was just about bankrupt.

    With what happened in Georgia I'll give a situation in reverse ...  Lets say that the US was the military weakling AND Cuba was the military giant.  Cuba invades S. Florida (because the Cubans living there wanted to become part of Cuba again) to take Miami back (OMFG there are enough former Cubans living there) and march their tanks all the way up to S. Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama so anything military is weakened and cannot fight back, and take all the way from Orlando to Key West.  That is what Russia did.

    I am not saying it is right what the Russians did, BUT it also wasn't right (nor smart) what the Georgian military did.  But in that area where many of the ties and alliances were still to Moscow and not the the Georgian Capital, I think that Russia did what the US would have done if the situation was reversed.

    I agree that not only the US but also EUROPE (mainly Europe) needs to take a stand.  The US is NOT the worlds police force, and cannot and should not go to the aide of every small country that cries because the local playground bully beats them up.  The line needs to be drawn BUT it is EUROPE not the US that needs to draw the line and have the US back them up with nothing more than a "big brother" kind of presense.

  8. So what do we do?

    Can't boycott Russian products - the only thing they really export is gas and oil, and we certainly can't go without them

    Can't call in their debts, we owe them money

    Can't claim the moral high ground, we invaded Iraq and recognised Kosovan independence.

    Can't attack them, as it would mean the destruction of every major western city with Russian nuclear weapons.

    Can't use the UN against them as Russia can veto.

    Not really got a lot of options have we?

  9. My country The U S of A should sit this one out Y'all take care of it Maybe if you remove your anti American staff from your BBC we might take a 2nd look at it

    We saw the same never ending anti American B/S coming out of the youth in Canada Than Russia planted it's flag north of them and it's ''we and the Americans are friends and don't you forget it'' A friend in need is a friend indeed

    Most Americans [yanks] have had a gut full of your B/S

  10. You're right, we'll be in this for the long haul, because look at all your fellow-British Russian sympathizers with such a hatred towards the West.  I haven't seen the UK population be on the West's side for quite a long time.  You're living amongst the indoctrinated enemy.  You Brits wondered how the Germans could have been so gullible.  Well, now you know.  

    And without Western Europe -- and only the USA, Israel and the Eastern Europeans fighting Russia and radical Islam (Iran, Syria, et al) -- it will be a long war.

  11. You must be mad

  12. Russia made off participating in "cold war" in 1989. This was not a military defeat. Simply very much people in Russia got tired to live in poverty in order that their country will the strongest and mighty in the world. They trusted that the USA and western countries also would give up a colonial imperialistic policy. And all people of the world will live in a friendly manner, as a family. But the western world, in place of that to accept Russia in the complement of the their family, the predatory feral grin began to demonstrate. Taking advantage of temporal military weakness of Russia, US and its sattelites from the countries of NATO decided to size the whole world, to put on knees and destroy Russia as independent state. They sickked on Russia the gang of semicivilized barbarians and degenerative "civilized" peoples, which resident on the outskirts of our country. We are people of good will, opponents of slavery and any oppressing of man by a man - can not allow you, predators, to guzzle with plucks all humanity and to destroy us ourselves. We do not want new "cold war". We do not attack other countries. We protect and try to collect together our Motherland which was humiliate and explode by sale politicians-betrayers (such as your frigging Gorbachev which sold and destroyed a Motherland for the Nobel premium in million dollars, as your protege and marionette - stupid-head animal and alcoholic Eltsin, which was a big grief for an own country and jester of the whole world). History again proved us and whole world, that it is better to live in poverty, but to be strong, clever and independent people, instead of to live as mean slaves which got fat from food garbages from the table of boss.

    For "New Russian" bourgeois (which rob our country and outlay the milliards of folk roubles on the drunkenness, purchase of the real estate abroad and entertainments, through fault of which starve to death, perish from a poverty and illnesses every year millions of Russians), there is ready already a gallows. Horse-radish to you, but not human rights. It is not people. You want it or does not want, but Russia again will be great power. Push your cold war in your arses. We are northern people, we will outlive easy also in new cold war period.

    And, can be, you feel that you are able to do "hot war" with Russia? You are strong only then, when you fight with a weak enemy. Go to Russia and you know as armies of Napoleon and Hitler were destroyed. Braggarts, you forgot already, that just the Russian army took Berlin three times in history and had a parade of victory in Paris.

    If the West 10-15 years ago would make bold recognised independence of the Chechen republic, I am afraid that Chechen leaders already would not have time to ask military help of the West  before their terrible death. Chechen war was such long and such sanguinary not only and not so much from heroism of chechen people (which nobody in Russia, certainly, does not deny), but from a  treason and a corruption of many Russian generals, politicians and journalists (which, it is necessary to hope, soon will wait till the bullet deserved by them).  Very oftentimes there was possibility fully and finally to squash the last gangster bulwark, but every time a terrible howl rose about the genocide of chechen people and atrocities of Russian soldiers. Victims from the side of the peaceful Russian citizens and soldiers nobody was flustered.

    During of both chechen wars insurgents had the most reliable information about moving of our troops, got the newest weapon from our army storages. But similar uglinesses will no longer repeat oneself never! The Russian army believed enough in the its forces and will do its work even despite the criminal orders of sale jew rubbish in shoulder-straps and trouser stripes.

  13. Ha ha ha The West unless i missed something doesn't own the planet.Here we have two Countries in an ILLEGAL WAR banging on at Russia.The biggest problem we have is mass PARANOID AMERICA trying to throw its weight around again.You obviously live in a media bubble controlled by these said war mongerers.

  14. Your not thinking big enough, with a full on war money is the key trouble. The west is already in problems with money and debt, and this would cause more problems. The west may not seem it but is more civilized when it comes to thinking about war unlike Russia whom enjoys the taste but if things continue it will happen, I can guarantee and it is about Iraq. Iraq is their ally and with Russia now at power, they may help in Iraq.

    EDIT - Sophie below is very uninformed. The UK is always western, they have asked for Russia to be punished, they disagree with all their methods and reasons and have the same view as the United States. The United Kingdom would never become even close to against the west, our friendship with the states was formed on western grounds and it will stay so. Also - Britain despises Russia like America, and I am sure they will be at war with them just like the States.


  15. Too much fear/hatred towards Russia...

    Remember Kosovo?? It was a integral part of Serbia, just another province. The kosovars (albanian inmigrants, most of them) revolted and the Serbians tried to impose their authority and sovereignity there, only to see NATO and US bombarding Serbia and intervening in support of the breakaway serbian province. That was 10 yrs ago. Kosovo is nowadays an independent state recognised by many countries including the USA.

    Now, what do you think of it? Looks pretty similar to what the Russians are doing now in S.Ossetia. In fact, they' re behaving EXACTLY in the same manner as the US did in Kosovo. Well, the Russkis are far more civilized, cause they have not yet recognized S.Ossetia as an independent state, separated from Georgia.

    So; Are you completely ignorant or just totally biased and bigoted???


  17. I can't believe there are still morons claiming that Georgia attacked Russia.  Seriously people, consider an education.

    Georgia attempted to enforce governmental authority on GEORGIAN territory.

  18. though i am not liking the invasion of Georgia but

    after us/britain's attack on iraq.(without a single missile fired from iraq and all they said 365 days a year (cheny bush blair said iraq had wmd and ****)

    now these people talk about invasion of Georgia which started the conflict to help McCain and also to divert media's attention from olympic games.

    this time Russia is no IRAQ which was already crippled by just cant push them around as you wish.

  19. Who cares?  Georgia asked for it.

    Word of advice; when you have 80 tanks, don't mess with a country who has 8000

  20. why does the west allow the US to go on with their imperialistic wars and murder thousants of people in the name of money.logic and feelings have nothing to do with the actions of large military powers. of course the US has done infinate crimes against humanity. as well as Russia has. but if this was a ideal world both the american and the rusian presidents would stand trial for crimes against humanity and executed

  21. Russia did not annex the territories and there are no plans to do so.

    Russia recognized their independence after georgian genocide on the civiliance.

    US can recognise the independence of S.Ossetia and Abkhazia too and try to say them that it was not genocide...

    There were no other way to provide the safety of people there because west don't want to hear the truth and listens only itself.

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