
Russia attacked Georgia, should we get involved?

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Russia attacked Georgia, should we get involved?




  1. We are already involved.We train the Georgian military in Tbilisi and in Iraq.We could not Get involved Militarily because we will be fighting in an area that will bring us in direct confrontation with Russia.The Russian Military may not be as powerful as it used to be,but is powerful enough to give as a bloody nose-especially in that area.

    My worry however is the manipulation of the Georgian president.There is no question that that Soviet Russia has designs on the break away Republics but these republics have no connection to Georgia Historically and that their independence has existed for 100's of years.They became a part of Georgia during The Soviet era.What is going on now is A Georgian President having seen the world's attention

    Diverted to the Olympic games try to grab a fast one to change things on the ground.He may not have realized he was playing right into Russia's hands.Now after Russia has humiliated the Georgian military and pushed them out of the areas they moved into,they will also push them out of areas in Georgia Proper and form a wider zone of influence.  

  2. No.  It would not serve the interests of the United States (assuming that's who you mean by "we" as this is an international web site).  Georgia is not an ally of the U.S. as far as I know.  I also don't think we import anything from there that we really need.  The action over there also doesn't threaten U.S. security.  There is no reason to do so.  We are not the world's policemen.  Besides, maybe Russia had a very good reason to do what they did.

  3. We shouldn't get involved unless they try to cross the border into Alabama, since we can't risk the Russians taking of Mobile Bay. Too bad for Atlanta! They had so many good restaurants!

  4. its a load of Sh*t!!!  f*ck you georgia and f*ck you russia and f*ck any other country who wants to get involved

  5. Well U.S. helps us transport our troops from Iraq back to Georgia and I already appreciate this much as Georgian. I have no confidence that either EU or U.S. will be able to help us out against Russians, as they control gas and electricity in most of Europe so EU doesn't want to turn against each other. U.S. will probably side with the decision of EU.

    The thing that worries me is, that the conflict area isn't the only place affected. Russians are attacking other regions of Georgia which are 200 miles away from the conflict area. Around hundred civilians got injured when Russian air force bombed Gori that had nothing to do with actual conflict. This is action against humanity, I doubt any country is allowed to do that, especially the ones who are part of G8, EU, etc.  

    I would understand if they focused on the area where are located their peace keepers but no, they're targeting whole Georgia.

  6. No, I think that would make everything worse.

    We need to let it play out a bit first, tell both Russia and Georgia to play nice, and then maybe start thinking about sending in the blue berets.

  7. the US should not get involved.

  8. We are involved and we are airlifting the Georgian contingent in Iraq back to Georgia to fight the Russians. 2000 troops to reiforce Georgian gains in South Osetia.

  9. I don't think "we" should have our military involved.

    If you want to go over there yourself and do whatever it is you think needs to be done, I won't mind.

  10. no because that might just make matters worse like another WWIII

  11. "NO"

  12. No I don't think we should get involved. We, the U.S.A, need to sit down for once and let things play out. It may be hard to do, but we'll try and help out as much as possible from a political stand point (at least I hope so) and if things don't work out, well then thats their problem. I hate saying that, but like somebody said above my answer we're not the worlds police and we need to save our own necks every once and a while and do whats best for this country. Besides, joining the fight could start another World War and we don't want that to happen now do we?  

  13. As little as possible.

  14. Yes we should we have the troops to deploy that argument is bs we have 350000 troops all across Europe take 50000 of them and help our ally i also want to see action from the EU and NATO what Russia is doing is not right they are a small nation being picked on by a giant we need to send troops and push the Russians back not attack the Russian homeland just defend a sovereign state similar to what we did for Kai wait in the first gulf war

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