
Russia attacking georgia? should florida help?

by  |  earlier

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I think florida should help georgia. Its just not right that russia is killing people over there. I vote yes for florida to help georgia. I also think other states should do the same. except alaska. I like alaska. plus alaska has ice truckers, which they are very cool. who likes ice truckers? forget my vote on florida helping georgia from the russian. I vote yes for ice truckers in florida.




  1. yeah send jeb bush and his ex staff over! :)

  2. God help me, this makes sense.

  3. I think the whole country should help your absolutely right,

  4. Do you really have nothing better to do with your life than post stuff like this?

    How sad.

  5. Florida should only help if they put you out there on top of the tank that goes to help the Georgian people.

  6. You silly goose

  7. Sure, send in the gators.

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