
Russia in a bad mood lately or what? First with Georgia, now threatening Poland if the allow US to put...?

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missiles there. "By deploying, Poland is exposing itself to a strike - 100%," warned Colonel General Anatoly Nogovitsyn. He added that Russia's security doctrine allowed it to use nuclear weapons against an active ally of a nuclear power such as America. Lol, d**n. I wouldn't want to be on Russia's bad side at this time, or any time for that matter. I almost think they want Poland to let the US place the missile defense system there just so they can attack them. Then they will gradually replace the governments of Poland and Georgia with puppet ones and the same will follow for all the former Soviet republics until there is a reincarnation of the USSR. What do you think?




  1. Russia had been secretly whining since 2001  I think. Putin practically sucking GWB and then he realize his not getting what he wants. The Are actually miscalculating his move he still centered himself to US but not his neighbour the EU(NATO)  which is more organized. if an imminent nuclear attack from Russia EU will make sure they fire the first shot.  

  2. Putin = Hitler; it is as simple as that.  Although militarily weak, Russia is testing the resolve of the west and trying to reform its old empire.  

  3. Russia has always been in a bad mood known as communist/socialist thinking.  After the fall of the Soviet Union Russia was economically destitute and dispirited.  Now they are flush with oil money and are flexing their muscles once again.  Our failure to develop our own oil and gas resources has contributed to the high price of oil and to Russia's renewed belligerence.

  4. I'm not sure you asked a question, but you have to look at this from Russia's POV.  We surround them with missile systems, bases, we support Georgia, we support Turkey.  Why wouldn't they be nervous and angry?

  5. they see the road to europe clear ahead of them.

  6. History repeats itself: Cuban Missle Crisis.

  7. I know its a strange view but, Remember when the USA helped fund Afganistan to beat Russia

    What if Russia funded 911 to send us into a war

    This might explain the type of plane used and all the videos about 911 this could possibly be China Russia plan to break america.

    Get us to spend spend spend

    Because remember Russia always says they will Pay and they must pay

  8. Russia wants to dominate. They despise a govt that is run by its citizens. They despise a govt that has a free market instead of making people dependent on the govt. He knows that many Americans are spineless wimps who will gladly sit back and watch the destruction of democracy and the allies of their country be destroyed. He knows that the "Peace is all that matters" crowd is running the show here and that he can continue to do what he wants. He was illegally inhabiting two territories of Georgia. We all turned a blind eye and gave him the nod he needed to take even more land.  

  9. Can you blame Poland for accepting this deal after what those n**i Ruskies did to Georgia?

  10. Everybody needs to step back and think about what they are doing, before this gets any more out of control.

    It was a mistake for Russian to threaten to nuke Poland. They only did this because they are mad at the US for supporting Georgia.

    It was a mistake for the US and Poland to sign this deal now. They only did this now because they are mad at Russia for attacking Georgia.

    The leaders are letting their anger interfere with their judgement, and it doesn't help anybody--not even themselves.

  11. oh they are all just pms'ing...

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