
Russia internaional space station usa?

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What would happen to the international spacestation if usa and russia went to war?




  1. One interesting idea is this:  now that the space station is so heavy, would it be a significant weapon to just drop it on some enemy country?

    The US could easily continue maintaining the ISS.  Europe could maintain it by their selves.  For Russia, it's only a matter of money.  If they have the money, it's not a big deal.  I've no idea if Japan could get people to it.

    But it's not just Russia and the US.

  2. The astronauts on the station would be brought back to Earth-- by either the Russians or the Americans..... or both.

  3. If this were to happen the Space Station would probably have to be abandoned.  At the present time the three occupants are always a mix of two Americans and a Russian or visa versa.  The habitation module where they are now using for sleeping quarters was built and launched by the Russians.  The majority of the station was paid for by the U.S. but with Japan and Europe on board now it would be a dicey situation. The immediate plans are for a new module with more sleeping quarters with plans for bring the station crew number up to seven. Already the size of a fair size house, in case of war the occupants could surely stay out of each others way.  Perhaps the U.S. and Russian astronauts would leave the station to the Japanese and Europeans to run and maintain.  It's all conjecture because the fate of the ISS would be the least of our worries.


  4. Hey, if there is a war, I don't think you or I would be worrying about the space station and the guys in it!

  5. Good question. It is one reason to not go to war. Neither country can maintain the station alone. It would have to be abandoned and possibly de-orbited.

  6. A gunfight will no doubt erupt and depending on their personal abilities, the fastest gun in space will live to tell the tell.

  7. load the planes George , we are going to georgia, and secure all borders, this cannot stand,the time is now

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