
Russia is now undeniably, indisputably, in the wrong for sure!?

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I've just flicked through about 10 different news Chanel's, from various different countries, and various different sources, who's reporters have confirmed that Russian troops are in Gori, and do not appear to be leaving any time soon. Two different news reporters, actually managed to get a conversation with Russian soldiers, where they asked the question, "So did you arrive this morning?" "No, we've been here for days." This proves that original Georgian claims that Russian troops were in Gori was correct and that Russian denials even now, are and still are wrong! Russia is violating the terms of the ceasefire that it signed. This means Russia is no undeniably, indisputably in the wrong, why? because it signed the ceasefire deal yesterday morning, and it has and is still violating the terms of that agreement, which it did sign onto.

Thoughts and views?




  1. I'm not so sure.  What about the reports that Georgia had invaded Ossettia?  How is Russia's consequent invasion of Georgia any different than the U.S. invasion of Iraq when Iraq invaded Kuwait?  I don't automatically swallow what our media feeds us and I think there's much more to this than we're being told.

  2. My sources say Georgia started this whole d**n mess.  But, what does any of it matter.  it's none of our business.

  3. Definitely, both sides of this "war" are WRONG.  But at the risk of sounding like a 6 yr old..."Georgia Started It".  They made their bed and now they have to lie in it.

    But no, it's as if the US is trying to Provoke Russia to NUKE us!  The US trained the Georgian troops, sent mercenaries (who have been killed and one captured by Russians) and sent weapons.  

    Think people, is Georgia worth it?  We don't need a nuclear showdown with the Russians over any country.  Sorry.

  4. Maybe some naive young people can now understand that America aint as bad as they think. Every so often you need a reminder.  

  5. We have to form our opinion from a strictly neutral point of view. The West is absolutely wrong in blaming Russia when Georgia started a genocide against the populace of S.Ossetia.

    Take a lesson from History. Whena group of Argentine fishermen & scrap dealers landed on the Falklands, Margaret Thatcher deemd it right to send a flotilla down there, an ocean away, to attack the Argentine....and the US provided intelligence.

    The Falklanders were not UK citizens and they did not wnat to be citizens of Argentina. But that did not stop Uk from attacking Argentina and 'freed' the Falklands.

    The people of S.Ossetia do not wnat to be in Georgia, and they are mostly russian citizens. Georgia shelled it with mortar, heavy guns & boombs, and killed close to 2,000 innocent people including women & children. and S.Ossetia is right on the border with Russia - not an Altantic ocean away!

    Russia took action to protect their citizens, without aid or intelligence from the US.

    And the whole West condemns Russia!

    You can now see the hypocrisy of the US, UK and the EU. The UK has no moral authority to even mention Russia's military action - and one would thought the UK would keep thier mouth shut - lest the world remember UK's folly of attacking Argentian over a piece of rock that is 'light-years' away from Britain and on the doorstep of Argentia.

    The US is the worst state on this planet. When the Soviet Union dissolved, one would think t and the US would act responsible & take care of world peace and proposerity. Instead the US made such a mess of the world, flexing their military might & plotted to topple all countries that the US dislike. 'Regime Change' became the daily language from the White House and they ended up putting the biggest idiot as President! .....and a die-hard hawk as his VP.

    Putin is one of the greatest world leaders over the latest 500 years. He is firm, decisive, macho and dare to act. He is Churchill, Kennedy, Napoleon & Margaret Thatcher  rolled into one. He revived Russia from the drunken Yeltsin years, and turned it into a power that dare to stare the US in the eye and tell the US to take a hike!

    Russia has every legitimate right to defend their citizens in S.Ossetia, and beating the h**l out of the Georgean aggressor & coward should have earned thee praise of all peace loving people around the world. The West, bearing in mind the Falklands war, should have applauded Russia, and condemned Georgia in no uncertain terms.

    History is a good lesson, and also serves as a good mirror of the conscience of the world.

    The international community should now plan to capture the President of Sudan, Bush, Thatcher, Osama & that little 'mosquito & liar' in Georgia and bring them to The Hague and prosecute them for raining havoc on the peace of the world and cruel crimes against humanity.

    Until the West own up to their bias and unfair views and their holier-than-thou attitude, come down to earth and become human again I see no hope in any salvation for their decadencce, social & cultural decay and predator instincts.

    You may not all agree to my view and analysis. You dont have to. Just read up history, dig out the truth.....and draw yoru own conclusion.

  6. I agree with Seren. It wouldn't be smart for the USA and Russia to start fighting. It may cause them to want to nuke us.

  7. they have no chance of succes in a war with europe or nato. they can win a war only if the troops ratio are 10 to 1. their millitary sucks.really.

  8. Welcome to the real world this is how Russia Operates,  they are not PC good luck to all of you who are PC.

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