
Russia now has captured US weapons that we gave to Georgia. Does that bother anybody out there?

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Russia now has captured US weapons that we gave to Georgia. Does that bother anybody out there?




  1. What weapons?  The Georgian soldiers I saw in Kuwait were equipped with Russian AKs.  Their vehicles were Japanese.

  2. Meh its not like they stole WMD's and if u pay attention this is the same thing that happened in WWII so somebody's gonna do something to us and were gonna get involved nuke ressia or whover and than win the war

  3. LOL no, the US had not supplied any significant weapon technology to Georgia for the very reason that they knew there was a high probability that Russia was going to do what they did.

    Before you make such ridiculous assumptions try doing a little homework. Look at the weapons and vehicles that Georgia was equipped with. AK's HK's, Russian Aircraft and Russian vehicles.  

  4. Probably M-16's. Nothing of worth.


    Apparently the Russians took some US Humvees.

  5. No, because it is very small and they were just M16s and ammo.  Most of Georgia's equipment is of Russian design and orgin.

  6. Ron is correct. AK is much better than an M 16..........

  7. Why if China and other countries make copies of Russian weapons and American ones too. China used too make the CQ assault rifle which is a copy of of the M-16A1 assault rifle.OR the Type 79 7.62mm sniper rifle which is a Chinese copy of the Soviet Dragunov SVD. The weapon was developed by reverse-engineering of the SVD rifles captured during the 1979 Sino-Vietnam border conflict.In March 1969, during an armed clash between the PRC and the Soviet Union along the Ussuri River on Damansky Island, the Chinese troops captured a Soviet T-62 tank. The tank was carefully examined by Chinese engineers and its night vision and other components were copied and integrated into the Type 69 tank.

    Plus what is the Russia going to do with:

    T-72A, T-72B/B1, T-72M ,T-72 SIM-1's and T-55M/AM and T-55AM2's, BMP-1,BMP-2, BTR-80, MT-LB's? ( Russian Weapons made by the Soviet Union with some upgrades )

    As for rifles :



    M-4A3's ( not M-16's )

    Tavor Tar-21

    and G-36K's.

    Only US weapons in the Georgian Armed Forces:

    M75 120 m Mortars


    Mk 19 Mod 3

    Remington 700

    Barrett M82A1

    and some pistols

    They can't do much about the weapons but just store them since they have no use for them. ( research )  

  8. We have captured thousands of Russian weapons in Iraq does that bother you? We have captured Iranian weapons in Iraq. Does that bother you?

  9. Not at all. Do you want numbers of Russian made weapons we found in the possession of Iraq solders or did I forget to mention Viet Nam. O my god did you know  I found broken pencil's in your garbage last night what a waste.Hmmm could be used as weapons of mass destruction if you held a bunch of them in your hands at the same time.  wounder who I can or should call and alert. LOL

  10. It depends what weapons.

    But like it or not sooner or later were getting involved

  11. First, It's only small arms.

    Second, why either US or Georgia should feel wrong about that, they're official allies.

    Third and more important, S.O. is armed with small arms, tanks and artillery supplied by Russia.

    Unlike Georgia  which is a sovereign country, S.O. are bunch of  separatists armed by Russia.

    I haven't heard any apologies from Russia for arming illegal formations in S.O. and for that matter  Russia never apologized for supplying arms to most of the terrorists in the world for decades.

  12. We supply weapons to all of our allies. Whats your point?

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